Commit 2f957a8e authored by 胡凯旋's avatar 胡凯旋

add Jenkinsfile

parent 7c431ed7
@Library('gm-pipeline-library') _
pipeline {
agent any
options {
// Console output add timestamps
// Disallow concurrent executions of the Pipeline
// On failure, retry the entire Pipeline the specified number of times.
parameters {
choice(name: 'CACHE', choices: ['', '--no-cache'], description: 'docker build 是否使用cache,默认使用,不使用为--no-cache')
environment {
// Image Tag branch.time.hash
TAG = dockerTag()
// Image Full Tag
IMAGE = "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/gm-backend/search_tips:$TAG"
stages {
stage("Begin") {
steps {
dingNotify "before"
stage('Build Service Image') {
steps {
sh "docker build . ${params.CACHE} -t $IMAGE -f /srv/apps/search_tips/Dockerfile"
sh "docker push $IMAGE"
post {
always {
dingNotify "after", "${currentBuild.currentResult}"
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