Commit 53f4d763 authored by Davve's avatar Davve


parent d379da40
......@@ -55,24 +55,29 @@ class UpdateOrCreateView(APIView):
gender = request.POST.get('gender')
pick_type = request.POST.get('pick_type')
data_dict = {
'gender': '',
'gender_value': '',
if gender == '全部':
gender_value = 2
data_dict['gender'] = 2
elif gender == '男':
gender_value = 0
data_dict['gender'] = 0
elif gender == '女':
gender_value = 1
data_dict['gender'] = 1
if pick_type == '明星打榜':
pick_type_vale = 1
data_dict['pick_type'] = 1
elif pick_type == 'PICK帖子':
pick_type_vale = 0
data_dict['pick_type'] = 0
data = {
'name': request.POST.get('name'),
'desc': request.POST.get('desc'),
'gender': gender_value,
'gender': data_dict['gender'] if id else gender,
'region': city_ids,
'pick_type': pick_type_vale,
'pick_type': data_dict['pick_type'] if id else pick_type,
'pick_group': pick_group_ids,
'position': request.POST.get('position'),
'is_online': int(request.POST.get('is_online')),
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class ReplyUpdateOrCreateView(APIView):
class ReplyCreate(APIView):
def post(self, request):
data = {
'user_id': request.POST.get('user_id'),
'user_id': request.POST.get('user_id').split(':')[0],
'replied_id': request.POST.get("replied_id", None),
'topic_id': request.POST.get("topic_id", None),
'content': request.POST.get('content'),
......@@ -100,3 +100,21 @@ class ReplyCreate(APIView):
raise e
return {'data': data}
class TopicListBatchUpdate(APIView):
def post(self, request):
ids = request.POST.get('ids', '').split()
type = request.POST.get('type')
updates = {}
if type == 'offline':
updates['is_online'] = False
updates['is_online'] = True
self.rpc['venus/sun/topic/batch/update'](updates=updates, ids=ids).unwrap()
except Exception as e:
raise e
return {
"message": "更新成功"
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ urlpatterns = [
url(r'^topic/list$', TopicListView.as_view()),
url(r'^topic/detail$', TopicUpdateOrCreateView.as_view()),
url(r'^topic/create$', TopicUpdateOrCreateView.as_view()),
url(r'^topic/batch_update$', TopicListBatchUpdate.as_view()),
url(r'^topic/reply/list$', ReplyUpdateOrCreateView.as_view()),
url(r'^topic/reply/batch_delete$', ReplyUpdateOrCreateView.as_view()),
url(r'^topic/reply/create$', ReplyCreate.as_view()),
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export function fetchList(query) {
export function OffLineOrOnLine(data) {
return request({
url: '/api/topic/update_or_create',
url: '/api/topic/batch_update',
method: 'post',
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<el-col :span="8">
<el-form-item label-width="75px" label="小组组长:" class="postInfo-container-item">
<el-form-item label-width="75px" label="小组组长:" class="postInfo-container-item" prop="user">
<el-select v-model="user" :remote-method="getRemoteUserList" filterable remote clearable
placeholder="搜索用户" style="width: 100%">
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
<el-table-column type="selection" width="76" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column align="center" label="用户ID ">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<router-link :to="'/push/edit/'+scope.row.user_id" class="link-type">
<router-link :to="'/user/edit/'+scope.row.user_id" class="link-type">
<span>{{ scope.row.user_id }}</span>
......@@ -235,14 +235,16 @@
postForm: Object.assign({}, defaultForm),
loading: false,
rules: {
title: [{validator: validateRequire}],
content: [{validator: validateRequire}],
name: [{validator: validateRequire, trigger: 'blur'}],
user: [{validator: validateRequire, trigger: 'blur'}],
icon: [{validator: validateRequire, trigger: 'blur'}],
user: '',
star: [],
temp_user_ids: '',
group_users: [],
judge_user_ids: [],
tempRoute: {},
uploadType: 98,
......@@ -365,12 +367,21 @@
this.temp_user_ids = ''
return false
let append_user_id = parseInt(this.temp_user_ids.split(':')[0])
for (let i = 0;i < this.tableData.length; i++){
if (append_user_id == this.tableData[i].user_id){
this.$message.error('存在同样数据, 请勿重复操作')
this.temp_user_ids = ''
return false;
GroupUserDetail(this.temp_user_ids).then(response => {
if (! return
if (![0].user_id){
this.$message.error('这条数据错误, 请换条数据')
this.tableData.push( = this.tableData.length
......@@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ export default {
OffLineOrOnLine({type:val, ids:str}).then(response => {
this.multipleSelection = [];
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