Commit 45ee127c authored by zhanglu's avatar zhanglu

update poetry.lock

parent 2aadf1f4
...@@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ reference = "coding" ...@@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ reference = "coding"
[metadata] [metadata]
lock-version = "1.1" lock-version = "1.1"
python-versions = "^3.8" python-versions = "^3.8"
content-hash = "5dc1d30743bc5a44b50757b8c9aa7c3390ce88d6c33b81abb851d3118831e0a7" content-hash = "d7dbc4977fc4a0271a05127d22a1e8fbdc07c6401cef47892f07fb86b7f33287"
[metadata.files] [metadata.files]
aioredis = [ aioredis = [
...@@ -11,28 +11,96 @@ default = true ...@@ -11,28 +11,96 @@ default = true
[tool.poetry.dependencies] [tool.poetry.dependencies]
python = "^3.8" python = "^3.8"
aioredis = "1.3.1"
appdirs = "1.4.4"
asgiref = "3.3.1"
async-timeout = "3.0.1"
attrs = "20.3.0"
autoflake = "1.3.1"
black = "19.10b0"
cached-property = "1.5.2"
certifi = "2020.12.5"
chardet = "3.0.4"
click = "7.1.2"
contextlib2 = "0.6.0.post1"
coverage = "5.3"
django = "3.1.4"
fastapi = "0.61.0"
fastapi-rpcd = "1.6.23"
future = "0.18.2"
gm-client = "0.4.2"
gm-config = "0.1.5"
gm-protocol = "7.23.4"
gm-tracer = "0.1.3"
gm-types = "*" gm-types = "*"
gm-protocol = "*" gm-upload = "0.0.91"
raven = "6.10.0"
python-dateutil = "2.4.2"
uvicorn = "0.11.5"
gunicorn = "20.0.4" gunicorn = "20.0.4"
aioredis = "1.3.1" h11 = "0.9.0"
mkdocs = "1.0.4" hiredis = "1.1.0"
httpcore = "0.10.2"
httptools = "0.1.1"
httpx = "0.14.1"
idna = "2.10"
iniconfig = "1.1.1"
isort = "5.4.1"
jaeger-client = "4.3.0"
jinja2 = "2.11.2"
jsonschema = "3.2.0"
livereload = "2.6.3"
lxml = "4.6.1"
markdown = "3.3.3"
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markupsafe = "1.1.1"
mkdocs = "1.0.4"
mkdocs-material = "4.6.3" mkdocs-material = "4.6.3"
fastapi-rpcd = "1.6.23" more-itertools = "8.6.0"
gm-client = "0.4.2" mypy = "0.770"
mypy-extensions = "0.4.3"
opentracing = "2.3.0"
opentracing-instrumentation = "3.3.1"
orjson = "3.3.1"
packaging = "20.7"
pathspec = "0.8.1"
pluggy = "0.13.1"
protobuf = "3.6.0"
psutil = "5.7.3"
py = "1.9.0"
pydantic = "1.6.1"
pyflakes = "2.2.0"
pygments = "2.7.3"
pymdown-extensions = "8.0.1"
pyparsing = "2.4.7"
pyrsistent = "0.17.3"
pytest = "6.0.1" pytest = "6.0.1"
pytest-asyncio = "0.14.0" pytest-asyncio = "0.14.0"
pytest-cov = "2.10.0" pytest-cov = "2.10.0"
pydantic = "1.6.1" python-dateutil = "2.4.2"
isort = "5.4.1" python-dotenv = "0.14.0"
autoflake = "1.3.1" python-multipart = "0.0.5"
black = "19.10b0" pytz = "2020.4"
mypy = "0.770" pyyaml = "5.3.1"
gm-upload = "0.0.91" qiniu = "7.1.4"
lxml = "4.6.1" raven = "6.10.0"
regex = "2020.11.13"
requests = "2.24.0"
rfc3986 = "1.4.0"
sentry-sdk = "0.16.0"
six = "1.15.0"
sniffio = "1.2.0"
sqlparse = "0.4.1"
starlette = "0.13.6"
threadloop = "1.0.2"
thrift = "0.13.0"
toml = "0.10.2"
tornado = "5.1.1"
typed-ast = "1.4.1"
typing-extensions = ""
urllib3 = "1.25.11"
uvicorn = "0.11.5"
uvloop = "0.14.0"
verlib = "0.1"
websockets = "8.1"
wrapt = "1.12.1"
[] []
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