Commit 04eb33ce authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added find_pixels_voting_for_lines() to the hough_transform.

parent 4f29050a
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace dlib
unsigned long size(
inline unsigned long size(
) const { return _size; }
long nr(
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ namespace dlib
typedef typename image_traits<out_image_type>::pixel_type out_pixel_type;
DLIB_CASSERT(box.width() == size() && box.height() == size(),
"\t hough_transform::hough_transform(size_)"
"\t void hough_transform::operator()"
<< "\n\t Invalid arguments given to this function."
<< "\n\t box.width(): " << box.width()
<< "\n\t box.height(): " << box.height()
......@@ -270,16 +270,127 @@ namespace dlib
himg.set_size(size(), size());
assign_all_pixels(himg, 0);
auto record_hit = [&](const point& hough_point, const point& /*img_point*/, const in_pixel_type& val)
himg[hough_point.y()][hough_point.x()] += val;
perform_hough_transform(img_, box, record_hit);
template <
typename in_image_type,
typename out_image_type
void operator() (
const in_image_type& img_,
out_image_type& himg_
) const
rectangle box(0,0, num_columns(img_)-1, num_rows(img_)-1);
(*this)(img_, box, himg_);
template <
typename in_image_type
std::vector<std::vector<point>> find_pixels_voting_for_lines (
const in_image_type& img,
const rectangle& box,
const std::vector<point>& hough_points
) const
typedef typename image_traits<in_image_type>::pixel_type in_pixel_type;
DLIB_CASSERT(box.width() == size() && box.height() == size(),
"\t std::vector<std::vector<point>> hough_transform::find_pixels_voting_for_lines()"
<< "\n\t Invalid arguments given to this function."
<< "\n\t box.width(): " << box.width()
<< "\n\t box.height(): " << box.height()
<< "\n\t size(): " << size()
for (auto& p : hough_points)
"You gave a hough_points that isn't actually in the Hough space of this object."
"\n\t get_rect(*this): "<< get_rect(*this)
"\n\t p: "<< p
std::vector<std::vector<point>> constituent_points(hough_points.size());
// make a map that lets us look up in constant time if a hough point is in the
// constituent_points output and if so where.
matrix<uint32> hmap(size(),size());
hmap = hough_points.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < hough_points.size(); ++i)
hmap(hough_points[i].y(),hough_points[i].x()) = i;
// record that this image point voted for this Hough point
auto record_hit = [&](const point& hough_point, const point& img_point, in_pixel_type)
auto idx = hmap(hough_point.y(), hough_point.x());
if (idx < constituent_points.size())
perform_hough_transform(img, box, record_hit);
return constituent_points;
template <
typename in_image_type
std::vector<std::vector<point>> find_pixels_voting_for_lines (
const in_image_type& img,
const std::vector<point>& hough_points
) const
rectangle box(0,0, num_columns(img)-1, num_rows(img)-1);
return find_pixels_voting_for_lines(img, box, hough_points);
template <
typename in_image_type,
typename record_hit_function_type
void perform_hough_transform (
const in_image_type& img_,
const rectangle& box,
record_hit_function_type record_hit
) const
typedef typename image_traits<in_image_type>::pixel_type in_pixel_type;
DLIB_ASSERT(box.width() == size() && box.height() == size(),
"\t void hough_transform::perform_hough_transform()"
<< "\n\t Invalid arguments given to this function."
<< "\n\t box.width(): " << box.width()
<< "\n\t box.height(): " << box.height()
<< "\n\t size(): " << size()
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(pixel_traits<in_pixel_type>::grayscale == true);
const_image_view<in_image_type> img(img_);
const rectangle area = box.intersect(get_rect(img));
const long max_n8 = (*8;
const long max_n4 = (*4;
const long max_n8 = (size()/8)*8;
const long max_n4 = (size()/4)*4;
for (long r =; r <= area.bottom(); ++r)
const int32* ysin_base = &ysin_theta(,0);
for (long c = area.left(); c <= area.right(); ++c)
const out_pixel_type val = static_cast<out_pixel_type>(img[r][c]);
const auto val = img[r][c];
if (val != 0)
......@@ -290,12 +401,13 @@ namespace dlib
const point cent = center(box);
const long x = c - cent.x();
const long y = r - cent.y();
for (long t = 0; t <; ++t)
for (long t = 0; t < size(); ++t)
double theta = t*pi/even_size;
double radius = (x*std::cos(theta) + y*std::sin(theta))/sqrt_2 + even_size/2 + 0.5;
long rr = static_cast<long>(radius);
himg[rr][t] += val;
record_hit(point(t,rr), point(c,r), val);
......@@ -316,14 +428,14 @@ namespace dlib
long rr6 = (*xcos++ + *ysin++)>>16;
long rr7 = (*xcos++ + *ysin++)>>16;
himg[rr0][t++] += val;
himg[rr1][t++] += val;
himg[rr2][t++] += val;
himg[rr3][t++] += val;
himg[rr4][t++] += val;
himg[rr5][t++] += val;
himg[rr6][t++] += val;
himg[rr7][t++] += val;
record_hit(point(t++,rr0), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr1), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr2), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr3), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr4), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr5), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr6), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr7), point(c,r), val);
while(t < max_n4)
......@@ -331,36 +443,21 @@ namespace dlib
long rr1 = (*xcos++ + *ysin++)>>16;
long rr2 = (*xcos++ + *ysin++)>>16;
long rr3 = (*xcos++ + *ysin++)>>16;
himg[rr0][t++] += val;
himg[rr1][t++] += val;
himg[rr2][t++] += val;
himg[rr3][t++] += val;
record_hit(point(t++,rr0), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr1), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr2), point(c,r), val);
record_hit(point(t++,rr3), point(c,r), val);
while(t <
while(t < (long)size())
long rr0 = (*xcos++ + *ysin++)>>16;
himg[rr0][t++] += val;
record_hit(point(t++,rr0), point(c,r), val);
template <
typename in_image_type,
typename out_image_type
void operator() (
const in_image_type& img_,
out_image_type& himg_
) const
rectangle box(0,0, num_columns(img_)-1, num_rows(img_)-1);
(*this)(img_, box, himg_);
unsigned long _size;
unsigned long even_size; // equal to _size if _size is even, otherwise equal to _size-1.
matrix<int32> xcos_theta, ysin_theta;
......@@ -157,6 +157,71 @@ namespace dlib
- performs: (*this)(img, get_rect(img), himg);
That is, just runs the hough transform on the whole input image.
template <
typename in_image_type
std::vector<std::vector<point>> find_pixels_voting_for_lines (
const in_image_type& img,
const rectangle& box,
const std::vector<point>& hough_points
) const;
- in_image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in
dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h and it must contain grayscale pixels.
- box.width() == size()
- box.height() == size()
- for all valid i:
- get_rect(*this).contains(hough_points[i]) == true
(i.e. hough_points must contain points in the output Hough transform
space generated by this object.)
- This function computes the Hough transform of the part of img contained
within box. It does the same computation as operator() define above,
except instead of accumulating into an image we create an explicit list
of all the points in img that contributed to each line (i.e each point in
the Hough image). To do this we take a list of Hough points as input and
only record hits on these specifically identified Hough points. A
typical use of find_pixels_voting_for_lines() is to first run the normal
Hough transform using operator(), then find the lines you are interested
in, and then call find_pixels_voting_for_lines() to determine which
pixels in the input image belong to those lines.
- This routine returns a vector, call the returned vector CONSTITUENT_POINTS.
It has the following properties:
- #CONSTITUENT_POINTS.size() == hough_points.size()
- for all valid i:
- Any point in img with a non-zero value that lies on the line
corresponding to the Hough point hough_points[i] is added to
CONSTITUENT_POINTS[i]. Therefore, when this routine finishes,
#CONSTITUENT_POINTS[i] will contain all the points in img that voted
for the line hough_points[i].
- #CONSTITUENT_POINTS[i].size() == the number of points in img that voted for
the line hough_points[i].
template <
typename in_image_type
std::vector<std::vector<point>> find_pixels_voting_for_lines (
const in_image_type& img,
const std::vector<point>& hough_points
) const;
- in_image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in
dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h and it must contain grayscale pixels.
- num_rows(img) == size()
- num_columns(img) == size()
- for all valid i:
- get_rect(*this).contains(hough_points[i]) == true
(i.e. hough_points must contain points in the output Hough transform
space generated by this object.)
- performs: return find_pixels_voting_for_lines(img, get_rect(img), hough_points);
That is, just runs the hough transform on the whole input image.
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