Commit 06cf15a0 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added loss_metric_

parent 0848616d
......@@ -859,6 +859,150 @@ namespace dlib
template <typename SUBNET>
using loss_mmod = add_loss_layer<loss_mmod_, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class loss_metric_
typedef unsigned long label_type;
template <
typename const_label_iterator,
typename SUBNET
double compute_loss_value_and_gradient (
const tensor& input_tensor,
const_label_iterator truth,
) const
const tensor& output_tensor = sub.get_output();
tensor& grad = sub.get_gradient_input();
DLIB_CASSERT(sub.sample_expansion_factor() == 1);
DLIB_CASSERT(input_tensor.num_samples() != 0);
DLIB_CASSERT(input_tensor.num_samples()%sub.sample_expansion_factor() == 0);
DLIB_CASSERT(input_tensor.num_samples() == grad.num_samples());
DLIB_CASSERT(input_tensor.num_samples() == output_tensor.num_samples());
DLIB_CASSERT( == 1 && == 1);
DLIB_CASSERT( == 1 && == 1);
const float margin = 0.5;
temp.set_size(output_tensor.num_samples(), output_tensor.num_samples());
tt::gemm(0, temp, 1, output_tensor, false, output_tensor, true);
const double num_pairs = output_tensor.num_samples() * (output_tensor.num_samples() - 1) / 2.0;
// The whole objective function is multiplied by this to scale the loss
// relative to the number of things in the mini-batch.
const double scale = 1.0/num_pairs;
double loss = 0;
// loop over all the pairs of training samples and compute the loss and
// gradients.
const float* d =;
float* gm =;
for (long r = 0; r < temp.num_samples(); ++r)
gm[r*temp.num_samples() + r] = 0;
const auto x_label = *(truth + r);
auto xx = d[r*temp.num_samples() + r];
for (long c = 0; c < temp.num_samples(); ++c)
if (r==c)
const auto y_label = *(truth + c);
auto yy = d[c*temp.num_samples() + c];
auto xy = d[r*temp.num_samples() + c];
// compute the distance between x and y samples.
auto d2 = xx + yy - 2*xy;
if (d2 <= 0)
d2 = 0;
d2 = std::sqrt(d2);
if (x_label == y_label)
// Things with the same label should have distances < 1 between
// them. If not then we experience non-zero loss.
if (d2 > 1-margin)
loss += scale*(d2 - (1-margin));
gm[r*temp.num_samples() + r] += scale/d2;
gm[r*temp.num_samples() + c] = -scale/d2;
gm[r*temp.num_samples() + c] = 0;
// Things with different labels should have distances > 1 between
// them. If not then we experience non-zero loss.
if (d2 < 1+margin)
loss += scale*((1+margin) - d2);
gm[r*temp.num_samples() + r] -= scale/d2;
gm[r*temp.num_samples() + c] = scale/d2;
gm[r*temp.num_samples() + c] = 0;
tt::gemm(0, grad, 1, grad_mul, false, output_tensor, false);
return loss;
friend void serialize(const loss_metric_& , std::ostream& out)
serialize("loss_metric_", out);
friend void deserialize(loss_metric_& , std::istream& in)
std::string version;
deserialize(version, in);
if (version != "loss_metric_")
throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::loss_metric_.");
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const loss_metric_& )
out << "loss_metric";
return out;
friend void to_xml(const loss_metric_& /*item*/, std::ostream& out)
out << "<loss_metric/>";
// These variables are only here to avoid being reallocated over and over in
// compute_loss_value_and_gradient()
mutable resizable_tensor temp, grad_mul;
template <typename SUBNET>
using loss_metric = add_loss_layer<loss_metric_, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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