Commit 0955ec45 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Update http server example to work with new interface.

extra : convert_revision : svn%3Afdd8eb12-d10e-0410-9acb-85c331704f74/trunk%402932
parent 75b4c4fc
......@@ -19,18 +19,9 @@ using namespace std;
class web_server : public server::http_1a_c
void on_request (
const std::string& path,
std::string& result,
const map_type& queries,
const map_type& cookies,
queue_type& new_cookies,
const map_type& incoming_headers,
map_type& response_headers,
const std::string& foreign_ip,
const std::string& local_ip,
unsigned short foreign_port,
unsigned short local_port
const std::string on_request (
const incoming_things& incoming,
outgoing_things& outgoing
......@@ -45,56 +36,55 @@ class web_server : public server::http_1a_c
<< "User password: <input name='pass' type='text'> <input type='submit'> "
<< " </form>";
sout << "<br> path = " << path << endl;
sout << "<br> foreign_ip = " << foreign_ip << endl;
sout << "<br> foreign_port = " << foreign_port << endl;
sout << "<br> local_ip = " << local_ip << endl;
sout << "<br> local_port = " << local_port << endl;
// Write out some of the inputs to this request so that they show up on the
// resulting web page.
sout << "<br> path = " << incoming.path << endl;
sout << "<br> request_type = " << incoming.request_type << endl;
sout << "<br> content_type = " << incoming.content_type << endl;
sout << "<br> foreign_ip = " << incoming.foreign_ip << endl;
sout << "<br> foreign_port = " << incoming.foreign_port << endl;
sout << "<br> local_ip = " << incoming.local_ip << endl;
sout << "<br> local_port = " << incoming.local_port << endl;
// If this request is the result of the user submitting the form then echo back
// the submission.
if (path == "/form_handler")
if (incoming.path == "/form_handler")
sout << "<h2> Stuff from the query string </h2>" << endl;
sout << "<br> user = " << queries["user"] << endl;
sout << "<br> pass = " << queries["pass"] << endl;
sout << "<br> user = " << incoming.queries["user"] << endl;
sout << "<br> pass = " << incoming.queries["pass"] << endl;
// save these form submissions as cookies.
string cookie;
cookie = "user=" + queries["user"];
cookie = "pass=" + queries["pass"];
outgoing.cookies["user"] = incoming.queries["user"];
outgoing.cookies["pass"] = incoming.queries["pass"];
// Echo any cookies back to the client browser
sout << "<h2>Cookies we got back from the server</h2>";
while (cookies.move_next())
sout << "<h2>Cookies we sent to the server</h2>";
for ( key_value_map::const_iterator ci = incoming.cookies.begin(); ci != incoming.cookies.end(); ++ci )
sout << "<br/>" << cookies.element().key() << " = " << cookies.element().value() << endl;
sout << "<br/>" << ci->first << " = " << ci->second << endl;
sout << "<br/><br/>";
sout << "<h2>HTTP Headers we sent to the server</h2>";
// Echo out all the HTTP headers we received from the client web browser
while (incoming_headers.move_next())
for ( key_value_map::const_iterator ci = incoming.headers.begin(); ci != incoming.headers.end(); ++ci )
sout << "<br/>" << incoming_headers.element().key() << ": " << incoming_headers.element().value() << endl;
sout << "<br/>" << ci->first << ": " << ci->second << endl;
sout << "</body> </html>";
result = sout.str();
return sout.str();
catch (exception& e)
cout << e.what() << endl;
return e.what();
......@@ -129,3 +119,4 @@ int main()
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