Commit 15d9e853 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made cmake include the visual studio runtime version in the name of the output .lib file

when building dlib in visual studio.
parent ced9f6f4
......@@ -809,4 +809,18 @@ if (NOT TARGET dlib)
if (MSVC)
# Give the output library files names that are unique functions of the
# visual studio mode that compiled them. We do this so that people who
# compile dlib and then copy the .lib files around (which they shouldn't be
# doing in the first place!) will hopefully be slightly less confused by
# what happens since, at the very least, the filenames will indicate what
# visual studio runtime they go with.
math(EXPR numbits ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}*8)
set_target_properties(dlib PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX "_debug_${numbits}bit_msvc${MSVC_VERSION}")
set_target_properties(dlib PROPERTIES RELEASE_POSTFIX "_release_${numbits}bit_msvc${MSVC_VERSION}")
set_target_properties(dlib PROPERTIES MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX "_minsizerel_${numbits}bit_msvc${MSVC_VERSION}")
set_target_properties(dlib PROPERTIES RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX "_relwithdebinfo_${numbits}bit_msvc${MSVC_VERSION}")
add_library(dlib::dlib ALIAS dlib)
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