Commit 16cd104b authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Fixed affine_fc and clarified error message.

parent c41b30a8
......@@ -253,19 +253,18 @@ void convert_dlib_xml_to_cafffe_python_code(
else if (i->detail_name == "bn_con" || i->detail_name == "bn_fc")
throw dlib::error("Conversion from dlib's batch norm layers to caffe's isn't supported. Instead, "
"you should put your network into 'test mode' by switching batch norm layers to affine layers.");
"you should put your dlib network into 'test mode' by switching batch norm layers to affine layers. "
"Then you can convert that 'test mode' network to caffe.");
else if (i->detail_name == "affine_con")
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Scale(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i);
fout << ", axis=1";
fout << ", bias_term=True";
fout << ");\n";
else if (i->detail_name == "affine_fc")
fout << " n." << i->caffe_layer_name() << " = L.Scale(n." << find_input_layer_caffe_name(i);
fout << ", axis=3";
fout << ", bias_term=True";
fout << ");\n";
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