Commit 173bb97f authored by Vinh Khuc's avatar Vinh Khuc

Explained the difference between pykvals in the Python API and kvals in C++ code

parent 067e36b5
......@@ -199,13 +199,17 @@ obtain the fastest training speed.");
// Here, pykvals is actually the result of linspace(start, end, num) and it is different from kvals used
// in find_candidate_object_locations(). See dlib/image_transforms/segment_image_abstract.h for more details.
// TODO: Need to figure out how to allow specifying matrix_range_exp<double> kvals in Python
def("find_candidate_object_locations", find_candidate_object_locations_py,
(arg("image"), arg("rects"), arg("pykvals")=boost::python::make_tuple(50, 200, 3),
arg("min_size")=20, arg("max_merging_iterations")=50),
"Returns found candidate objects\n\
- image == an image object which is a numpy ndarray\n\
- kvals == a tuple with three elements for start, end, num.\n\
- is_vector(kvals) == true\n\
- kvals.size() > 0\n\
- This function takes an input image and generates a set of candidate\n\
rectangles which are expected to bound any objects in the image. It does\n\
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