Commit 19b16e1a authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Improve launch_kernel(), now it can sensibly launch 2D kernels.

parent d5e65cd7
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include "cuda_errors.h"
#include "../algs.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <sstream>
......@@ -135,8 +137,10 @@ namespace dlib
struct max_jobs
max_jobs(int n) : num(n) {}
int num;
max_jobs(int x) : num_x(x) {}
max_jobs(int x, int y) : num_x(x), num_y(y) {}
int num_x;
int num_y = 1;
template <typename Kernel, typename... T>
......@@ -171,16 +175,70 @@ namespace dlib
if (m.num == 0)
if (m.num_x == 0 || m.num_y == 0)
int num_blocks, num_threads;
// Check if the job is really small and we don't really need to launch a kernel
// with this many blocks and threads.
if (num_blocks*num_threads > m.num)
num_blocks = (m.num+num_threads-1)/num_threads;
if (num_blocks*num_threads > m.num_x*m.num_y)
num_blocks = (m.num_x*m.num_y+num_threads-1)/num_threads;
if (m.num_y == 1)
In general, the reason m.num_y!=1 (i.e. the reason you are in this
code path) is because we are using nested grid-stride loops. There are
two important things to note about what we are doing here. To
illustrate them we will talk about this little CUDA code snippet:
// initialize out before we begin.
for (auto i : grid_stride_range_y(0, nr))
for (auto j : grid_stride_range(0, 1))
out[i] = 0;
__syncthreads(); // synchronize threads in block
// loop over some 2D thing and sum and store things into out.
for (auto i : grid_stride_range_y(0, nr))
float temp = 0;
for (auto j : grid_stride_range(0, nc))
temp += whatever[i*nc+j];
// store the sum into out[i]
warp_reduce_atomic_add(out[i], temp);
First, we make sure the number of x threads is a multiple of 32 so that
you can use warp_reduce_atomic_add() inside the y loop.
Second, we put the x block size to 1 so inter-block synchronization is
easier. For example, if the number of x blocks wasn't 1 the above code
would have a race condition in it. This is because the execution of
out[i]=0 would be done by blocks with blockIdx.x==0, but then in the
second set of loops, *all* the x blocks use out[i]. Since
__syncthreads() doesn't do any synchronization between blocks some of
the blocks might begin before the out[i]=0 statements finished and that
would be super bad.
// Try and make sure that the ratio of x to y threads is reasonable based
// on the respective size of our loops.
int x_threads = 32;
int y_threads = num_threads/32;
const int ratio = static_cast<int>(std::round(put_in_range(1, y_threads, m.num_x/(double)m.num_y)));
x_threads *= ratio;
y_threads /= ratio;
dim3 blocks(1,num_blocks);
dim3 threads(x_threads,y_threads);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -264,7 +322,7 @@ namespace dlib
This object is just like grid_stride_range except that it looks at
CUDA's y thread index (e.g. threadIdx.y) instead of the x index.
Therefore, if you launch a cuda kernel with a statement like:
dim3 blocks(10,1);
dim3 blocks(1,10);
dim3 threads(32,32); // You need to have x and y not equal to 1 to get parallelism over both loops.
You can perform a nested 2D parallel for loop rather than doing just a
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