Commit 1c1acac9 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

clarified spec

parent 82230b59
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace dlib
The model used by sequence_labeler objects is the following.
Given an input sequence x, predict an output label sequence y
such that:
y == argmax_y dot(w, PSI(x,y))
y == argmax_Y dot(w, PSI(x,Y))
Where w is a parameter vector.
Therefore, a feature extractor defines how the PSI(x,y) feature vector
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ namespace dlib
The model used by this object is the following. Given
an input sequence x, predict an output label sequence y
such that:
y == argmax_y dot(get_weights(), PSI(x,y))
y == argmax_Y dot(get_weights(), PSI(x,Y))
Where PSI() is defined by the feature_extractor template
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