Commit 224d7024 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added the ramdump type decorator for invoking faster serialization routines.

parent 68c98498
......@@ -1923,6 +1923,50 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename T,
long NR,
long NC,
typename mm,
typename l
void serialize (
const ramdump_t<matrix<T,NR,NC,mm,l>>& item_,
std::ostream& out
auto& item = item_.item;
serialize(, out);
serialize(, out);
if (item.size() != 0)
out.write((char*)&item(0,0), sizeof(item(0,0))*item.size());
template <
typename T,
long NR,
long NC,
typename mm,
typename l
void deserialize (
ramdump_t<matrix<T,NR,NC,mm,l>>&& item_,
std::istream& in
auto& item = item_.item;
long nr, nc;
deserialize(nr, in);
deserialize(nc, in);
if (item.size() != 0)*)&item(0,0), sizeof(item(0,0))*item.size());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename EXP
......@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "uintn.h"
#include "interfaces/enumerable.h"
#include "interfaces/map_pair.h"
......@@ -173,6 +175,56 @@ namespace dlib
serialization_error(const std::string& e):error(e) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
struct ramdump_t
This is a type decoration used to indicate that serialization should be
done by simply dumping the memory of some object to disk as fast as
possible without any sort of conversions. This means that the data written
will be "non-portable" in the sense that the format output by a RAM dump
may depend on things like the endianness of your CPU or settings of certain
compiler switches.
You use this object like this:
serialize("yourfile.dat") << ramdump(yourobject);
deserialize("yourfile.dat") >> ramdump(yourobject);
serialize(ramdump(yourobject), out);
deserialize(ramdump(yourobject), in);
Also, not all objects have a ramdump mode. If you try to use ramdump on an
object that does not define a serialization dump for ramdump you will get a
compiler error.
ramdump_t(T& item_) : item(item_) {}
T& item;
// This function just makes a ramdump that wraps an object.
template <typename T>
ramdump_t<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> ramdump(T&& item) { return ramdump_t<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>(item); }
template <
typename T
void serialize (
const ramdump_t<const T>& item_,
std::ostream& out
// Move the const from inside the ramdump_t template to outside so we can bind
// against a serialize() call that takes just a const ramdump_t<T>. Doing this
// saves you from needing to write multiple overloads of serialize() to handle
// these different const placement cases.
const auto temp = ramdump(const_cast<T&>(item_.item));
serialize(temp, out);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace ser_helper
......@@ -1513,12 +1565,25 @@ namespace dlib
template <typename T>
inline proxy_deserialize& operator>>(T& item)
return doit(item);
template <typename T>
inline proxy_deserialize& operator>>(ramdump_t<T>&& item)
return doit(std::move(item));
template <typename T>
inline proxy_deserialize& doit(T&& item)
if (fin->peek() == EOF)
throw serialization_error("No more objects were in the file!");
deserialize(item, *fin);
deserialize(std::forward<T>(item), *fin);
catch (serialization_error& e)
......@@ -1554,7 +1619,6 @@ namespace dlib
return *this;
int objects_read = 0;
std::string filename;
std::shared_ptr<std::ifstream> fin;
......@@ -1020,6 +1020,34 @@ namespace
DLIB_TEST(buf2[3] == 0);
DLIB_TEST(buf2[4] == 3);
DLIB_TEST(buf2[5] == 3);
// make sure ramdump() overloads compile and work.
matrix<double,2,2> a = {1,2,3,4};
const matrix<double,2,2> b = {3,2,3,4};
dlib::serialize("ramdump_mat.dat") << ramdump(a) << ramdump(b);
matrix<double,2,2> A, B;
dlib::deserialize("ramdump_mat.dat") >> ramdump(A) >> ramdump(B);
DLIB_TEST(A == a);
DLIB_TEST(B == b);
A = 0;
B = 0;
DLIB_TEST(A != a);
DLIB_TEST(B != b);
ostringstream sout;
dlib::serialize(ramdump(a), sout);
dlib::serialize(ramdump(b), sout);
istringstream sin(sout.str());
dlib::deserialize(ramdump(A), sin);
dlib::deserialize(ramdump(B), sin);
DLIB_TEST(A == a);
DLIB_TEST(B == b);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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