Commit 26701f73 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Fixed typo in docs

parent 1f727f93
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ above partition_pixels(img) does. Then it forms a new image with only pixels \n
However, the recursion is implemented in an efficient way which is faster than \n\
explicitly forming these images and calling partition_pixels(), but the \n\
output is the same as if you did. For example, suppose you called \n\
[t1,t2,t2] = partition_pixels(img). Then we would have: \n\
[t1,t2,t2] = partition_pixels(img,3). Then we would have: \n\
- t1 == partition_pixels(img) \n\
- t2 == partition_pixels(an image with only pixels with values >= t1 in it) \n\
- t3 == partition_pixels(an image with only pixels with values >= t2 in it)" ;
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