Commit 29bd6bd1 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Improved FAQ page slightly.

parent 551a882c
......@@ -11,7 +11,29 @@
<question text="How do I set the size of a matrix at runtime?">
Long answer, read the <a href="matrix_ex.cpp.html">matrix example program</a>.
Short answer, here are some examples:
matrix&lt;double&gt; mat;
matrix&lt;double,0,1&gt; column_vect;
matrix&lt;double,0,1&gt; column_vect2(6);
matrix&lt;double,1&gt; row_vect;
<question text="Where is the documentation for &lt;object/function&gt;?">
If you can't find something then check the <a href="term_index.html">index</a>.
Also, the bulk of the documentation can be found by following the
<b><font style='font-size:1.3em' color='#007700'>Specification</font></b> links.
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