Commit 2cab4c5d authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added messages saying how to install Boost on UNIX systems if it isn't

installed already.
parent 5cfff271
......@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
option(PYTHON3 "Build a Python3 compatible library rather than Python2." OFF)
# Avoid cmake warnings about changes in behavior of some Mac OS X path
# variable we don't care about.
if (POLICY CMP0042)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW)
......@@ -37,29 +42,41 @@ else()
if (NOT Boost_FOUND AND WIN32)
message(" Set the BOOST_ROOT and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR environment variables before running cmake. ")
message(" E.g. Something like this: ")
message(" set BOOST_ROOT=C:\\local\\boost_1_57_0 " )
message(" set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\\local\\boost_1_57_0\\stage\\lib")
message(" You will also likely need to compile boost yourself rather than using one of the precompiled ")
message(" windows binaries. Do this by going to the folder tools\\build\\ within boost and running ")
message(" bootstrap.bat. Then run the command: ")
message(" b2 install")
message(" And then add the output bin folder to your PATH. Usually this is the C:\\boost-build-engine\\bin")
message(" folder. Finally, go to the boost root and run a command like this:")
message(" b2 --with-python address-model=64 toolset=msvc --build-type=complete")
message(" And set the BOOST_LIBRARYDIR equal to wherever it puts the compiled libraries.")
message(" Note that you will need to set the address-model based on if you want a 32 or 64bit python library.")
message(" Similarly, when you invoke cmake you may have to use cmake's -G option to set the 64 vs. 32bit mode")
message(" of visual studio. Also, if you want a Python3 library will also need to add -DPYTHON3=1. You do ")
message(" this with a statement like: ")
message(" cmake -G \"Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64\" -DPYTHON3=1 ..\\..\\tools\\python")
message(" Rather than:")
message(" cmake ..\\..\\tools\\python")
message(" Which will build a 32bit Python2 module by default on most systems.")
if (NOT Boost_FOUND)
if (WIN32)
message(" Set the BOOST_ROOT and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR environment variables before running cmake. ")
message(" E.g. Something like this: ")
message(" set BOOST_ROOT=C:\\local\\boost_1_57_0 " )
message(" set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\\local\\boost_1_57_0\\stage\\lib")
message(" You will also likely need to compile boost yourself rather than using one of the precompiled ")
message(" windows binaries. Do this by going to the folder tools\\build\\ within boost and running ")
message(" bootstrap.bat. Then run the command: ")
message(" b2 install")
message(" And then add the output bin folder to your PATH. Usually this is the C:\\boost-build-engine\\bin")
message(" folder. Finally, go to the boost root and run a command like this:")
message(" b2 --with-python address-model=64 toolset=msvc --build-type=complete")
message(" And set the BOOST_LIBRARYDIR equal to wherever it puts the compiled libraries.")
message(" Note that you will need to set the address-model based on if you want a 32 or 64bit python library.")
message(" Similarly, when you invoke cmake you may have to use cmake's -G option to set the 64 vs. 32bit mode")
message(" of visual studio. Also, if you want a Python3 library will also need to add -DPYTHON3=1. You do ")
message(" this with a statement like: ")
message(" cmake -G \"Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64\" -DPYTHON3=1 ..\\..\\tools\\python")
message(" Rather than:")
message(" cmake ..\\..\\tools\\python")
message(" Which will build a 32bit Python2 module by default on most systems.")
message(" *****************************************************************************************************")
message(" To compile Boost.Python yourself download boost from and then go into the boost root folder")
message(" and run these commands: ")
message(" ./ --with-libraries=python")
message(" ./b2")
message(" sudo ./b2 install")
message(" *****************************************************************************************************")
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