Commit 333db05c authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added draw_solid_convex_polygon()

parent 49ffb860
......@@ -438,6 +438,234 @@ namespace dlib
double radius
) { draw_solid_circle(c, center_point, radius, 0); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace impl
template <typename alloc>
void get_convex_polygon_shape (
const std::vector<point>& points,
const long top,
const long bottom,
std::vector<double,alloc>& left_boundary,
std::vector<double,alloc>& right_boundary
- 0 <= top <= bottom
- interprets points as the coordinates defining a convex polygon. In
particular, we interpret points as a list of the vertices of the polygon
and assume they are ordered in clockwise order.
- #left_boundary.size() == bottom-top+1
- #right_boundary.size() == bottom-top+1
- for all top <= y <= bottom:
- #left_boundary[y-top] == the x coordinate for the left most side of
the polygon at coordinate y.
- #right_boundary[y-top] == the x coordinate for the right most side of
the polygon at coordinate y.
using std::min;
using std::max;
left_boundary.assign(bottom-top+1, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
right_boundary.assign(bottom-top+1, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
// trace out the points along the edge of the polynomial and record them
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
const point p1 = points[i];
const point p2 = points[(i+1)%points.size()];
if (p1.y() == p2.y())
if (top <= p1.y() && p1.y() <= bottom)
const long y = p1.y() - top;
const double xmin = min(p1.x(), p2.x());
const double xmax = min(p1.x(), p2.x());
left_boundary[y] = min(left_boundary[y], xmin);
right_boundary[y] = max(right_boundary[y], xmax);
// Here we trace out the line from p1 to p2 and record where it hits.
// x = m*y + b
const double m = (p2.x() - p1.x())/(double)(p2.y()-p1.y());
const double b = p1.x() - m*p1.y(); // because: x1 = m*y1 + b
const long ymin = max(top,min(p1.y(), p2.y()));
const long ymax = min(bottom,max(p1.y(), p2.y()));
for (long y = ymin; y <= ymax; ++y)
const double x = m*y + b;
const unsigned long idx = y-top;
left_boundary[idx] = min(left_boundary[idx], x);
right_boundary[idx] = max(right_boundary[idx], x);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename pixel_type>
void draw_solid_convex_polygon (
const canvas& c,
const std::vector<point>& polygon,
const pixel_type& pixel,
const rectangle& area = rectangle(std::numeric_limits<long>::min(), std::numeric_limits<long>::min(),
std::numeric_limits<long>::max(), std::numeric_limits<long>::max())
using std::max;
using std::min;
const rectangle valid_area(c.intersect(area));
rectangle bounding_box;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < polygon.size(); ++i)
bounding_box += polygon[i];
// Don't do anything if the polygon is totally outside the area we can draw in
// right now.
if (bounding_box.intersect(valid_area).is_empty())
rgb_alpha_pixel alpha_pixel;
assign_pixel(alpha_pixel, pixel);
const unsigned char max_alpha = alpha_pixel.alpha;
// we will only want to loop over the part of left_boundary that is part of the
// valid_area.
long top = max(,;
long bottom = min(valid_area.bottom(),bounding_box.bottom());
// Since we look at the adjacent rows of boundary information when doing the alpha
// blending, we want to make sure we always have some boundary information unless
// we are at the absolute edge of the polygon.
const long top_offset = (top == ? 0 : 1;
const long bottom_offset = (bottom == bounding_box.bottom()) ? 0 : 1;
if (top !=
top -= 1;
if (bottom != bounding_box.bottom())
bottom += 1;
std::vector<double> left_boundary;
std::vector<double> right_boundary;
impl::get_convex_polygon_shape(polygon, top, bottom, left_boundary, right_boundary);
// draw the polygon row by row
for (unsigned long i = top_offset; i < left_boundary.size(); ++i)
long left_x = std::ceil(left_boundary[i]);
long right_x = std::floor(right_boundary[i]);
left_x = max(left_x, valid_area.left());
right_x = min(right_x, valid_area.right());
if (i < left_boundary.size()-bottom_offset)
// draw the main body of the polygon
for (long x = left_x; x <= right_x; ++x)
const long y = i+top;
assign_pixel(c[][x-c.left()], pixel);
if (i == 0)
// Now alpha blend the edges so they don't look all pixely.
// Alpha blend the edges on the left side.
double delta = left_boundary[i-1] - left_boundary[i];
if (std::abs(delta) <= 1)
if (std::floor(left_boundary[i]) != left_x)
const point p(std::floor(left_boundary[i]), i+top);
rgb_alpha_pixel temp = alpha_pixel;
temp.alpha = max_alpha-static_cast<unsigned char>((left_boundary[i]-p.x())*max_alpha);
if (valid_area.contains(p))
else if (delta < 0) // on the bottom side
for (long x = std::ceil(left_boundary[i-1]); x < left_x; ++x)
const point p(x, i+top);
rgb_alpha_pixel temp = alpha_pixel;
temp.alpha = static_cast<unsigned char>((x-left_boundary[i-1])/std::abs(delta)*max_alpha);
if (valid_area.contains(p))
else // on the top side
const long old_left_x = std::ceil(left_boundary[i-1]);
for (long x = left_x; x < old_left_x; ++x)
const point p(x, i+top-1);
rgb_alpha_pixel temp = alpha_pixel;
temp.alpha = static_cast<unsigned char>((x-left_boundary[i])/delta*max_alpha);
if (valid_area.contains(p))
// Alpha blend the edges on the right side
delta = right_boundary[i-1] - right_boundary[i];
if (std::abs(delta) <= 1)
if (std::ceil(right_boundary[i]) != right_x)
const point p(std::ceil(right_boundary[i]), i+top);
rgb_alpha_pixel temp = alpha_pixel;
temp.alpha = max_alpha-static_cast<unsigned char>((p.x()-right_boundary[i])*max_alpha);
if (valid_area.contains(p))
else if (delta < 0) // on the top side
for (long x = std::floor(right_boundary[i-1])+1; x <= right_x; ++x)
const point p(x, i+top-1);
rgb_alpha_pixel temp = alpha_pixel;
temp.alpha = static_cast<unsigned char>((right_boundary[i]-x)/std::abs(delta)*max_alpha);
if (valid_area.contains(p))
else // on the bottom side
const long old_right_x = std::floor(right_boundary[i-1]);
for (long x = right_x+1; x <= old_right_x; ++x)
const point p(x, i+top);
rgb_alpha_pixel temp = alpha_pixel;
temp.alpha = static_cast<unsigned char>((right_boundary[i-1]-x)/delta*max_alpha);
if (valid_area.contains(p))
inline void draw_solid_convex_polygon (
const canvas& c,
const std::vector<point>& polygon
) { draw_solid_convex_polygon(c, polygon, 0); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
......@@ -113,6 +113,31 @@ namespace dlib
- Uses the given pixel color.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename pixel_type
void draw_solid_convex_polygon (
const canvas& c,
const std::vector<point>& polygon,
const pixel_type& pixel = rgb_pixel(0,0,0),
const rectangle& area = rectangle(-infinity,-infinity,infinity,infinity)
- pixel_traits<pixel_type> is defined
- Interprets the given std::vector polygon object as defining a convex polygon
shape. In particular, the polygon is given by taking the points and drawing
lines between them. That is, imagine drawing a line connecting polygon[i]
and polygon[(i+1)%polygon.size()], for all valid i, and then filling in the
interior of the polygon. That is what this function does.
- When drawing the polygon, only the part of the polygon which overlaps both
the given canvas and area rectangle is drawn.
- Uses the given pixel color to draw the polygon.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void draw_button_down (
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