Commit 374459b4 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Refactored this code a little

parent 7e28ce5e
......@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ namespace dlib
// Include a loss augmentation so that we will get the proper loss augmented
// max when we use find_max_factor_graph_potts() below.
if (labels[idx][i])
g.node(i).data -= loss_pos;
g.node(i).data -= get_loss_for_sample(idx,i,!labels[idx][i]);
g.node(i).data += loss_neg;
g.node(i).data += get_loss_for_sample(idx,i,!labels[idx][i]);
for (unsigned long n = 0; n < g.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++n)
......@@ -360,22 +360,44 @@ namespace dlib
loss = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labeling.size(); ++i)
const bool true_label = labels[idx][i];
const bool pred_label = (labeling[i]!= 0);
if (true_label != pred_label)
if (true_label == true)
loss += loss_pos;
loss += loss_neg;
const bool predicted_label = (labeling[i]!= 0);
loss += get_loss_for_sample(idx, i, predicted_label);
// compute psi
get_joint_feature_vector(samp, bool_labeling, psi);
double get_loss_for_sample (
long sample_idx,
long node_idx,
bool predicted_label
) const
- 0 <= sample_idx < labels.size()
- 0 <= node_idx < labels[sample_idx].size()
- returns the loss incurred for predicting that the node
samples[sample_idx].node(node_idx) has a label of predicted_label.
const bool true_label = labels[sample_idx][node_idx];
if (true_label != predicted_label)
if (true_label == true)
return loss_pos;
return loss_neg;
// no loss for making the correct prediction.
return 0;
const dlib::array<sample_type>& samples;
const std::vector<label_type>& labels;
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