Commit 3da61b25 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added install_target_output_folder option to matlab cmake scripts.

parent 1d8445cb
......@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ include(cmake_mex_wrapper)
add_subdirectory(.. dlib_build)
# You can tell cmake where to put the mex files when you run 'make install' by
# setting this variable. The path is relative to this CMakeLists.txt file.
set(install_target_output_folder .)
# Compile the example_mex_function.cpp file and link it to dlib. Note
# that you can give a list of things to link to here. E.g.
# add_mex_function(some_other_mex_function pthread dlib fftw)
......@@ -93,7 +93,11 @@ MACRO(add_mex_function name )
set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
install(TARGETS ${name} DESTINATION "${install_dir}")
if (install_target_output_folder)
install(TARGETS ${name} DESTINATION "${install_target_output_folder}")
install(TARGETS ${name} DESTINATION "${install_dir}")
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