Commit 45d35e6c authored by Stefan Schweter's avatar Stefan Schweter Committed by Davis E. King

Made matrix2 test more robust on ARM64 (#394)

parent 365dfd20
......@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ namespace
m4 = randm(4,4,rnd);
DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m1*inv(m1) - identity_matrix(m1))) < 1e-13);
DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2*inv(m2) - identity_matrix(m2))) < 1e-13);
DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2*inv(m2) - identity_matrix(m2))) < 1e-12);
DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m3*inv(m3) - identity_matrix(m3))) < 1e-13);
DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(m4*inv(m4) - identity_matrix(m4))) < 1e-12, max(abs(m4*inv(m4) - identity_matrix(m4))));
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