Commit 46cbfba8 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added a reference to a useful book

parent b2547b62
// The contents of this file are in the public domain. See LICENSE_FOR_EXAMPLE_PROGRAMS.txt
This is an example illustrating the use of the graph_labeler and
This is an example illustrating the use of the graph_labeler and
structural_graph_labeling_trainer objects.
Suppose you have a bunch of objects and you need to label each of them as
true or false. Suppose further that knowing the labels of some of these
objects tells you something about the likely label of the others. This
is common in a number of domains. For example, in image segmentation
problems you need to label each pixel, and knowing the labels of neighboring
pixels gives you information about the likely label since neighboring pixels
will often have the same label.
Suppose you have a bunch of objects and you need to label each of them as true or
false. Suppose further that knowing the labels of some of these objects tells you
something about the likely label of the others. This is common in a number of domains.
For example, in image segmentation problems you need to label each pixel, and knowing
the labels of neighboring pixels gives you information about the likely label since
neighboring pixels will often have the same label.
We can generalize this problem by saying that we have a graph and our task
is to label each node in the graph as true or false. Additionally, the
edges in the graph connect nodes which are likely to share the same label.
In this example program, each node will have a feature vector which contains
information which helps tell if the node should be labeled as true or false.
The edges also contain feature vectors which give information indicating how
strong the edge's labeling consistency constraint should be. This is useful
since some nodes will have uninformative feature vectors and the only way to
tell how they should be labeled is by looking at their neighbor's labels.
Therefore, this program will show you how to learn two things using machine
learning. The first is a linear classifier which operates on each node and
predicts if it should be labeled as true or false. The second thing is a
linear function of the edge vectors. This function outputs a penalty
for giving two nodes connected by an edge differing labels. The graph_labeler
object puts these two things together and uses them to compute a labeling
which takes both into account. In what follows, we will use a structural
SVM method to find the parameters of these linear functions which minimize
We can generalize this problem by saying that we have a graph and our task is to label
each node in the graph as true or false. Additionally, the edges in the graph connect
nodes which are likely to share the same label. In this example program, each node
will have a feature vector which contains information which helps tell if the node
should be labeled as true or false. The edges also contain feature vectors which give
information indicating how strong the edge's labeling consistency constraint should be.
This is useful since some nodes will have uninformative feature vectors and the only
way to tell how they should be labeled is by looking at their neighbor's labels.
Therefore, this program will show you how to learn two things using machine learning.
The first is a linear classifier which operates on each node and predicts if it should
be labeled as true or false. The second thing is a linear function of the edge
vectors. This function outputs a penalty for giving two nodes connected by an edge
differing labels. The graph_labeler object puts these two things together and uses
them to compute a labeling which takes both into account. In what follows, we will use
a structural SVM method to find the parameters of these linear functions which minimize
the number of mistakes made by a graph_labeler.
Finally, you might also consider reading the book Structured Prediction and Learning in
Computer Vision by Sebastian Nowozin and Christoph H. Lampert since it contains a good
introduction to machine learning methods such as the algorithm implemented by the
#include "dlib/svm_threaded.h"
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