Commit 482b3a61 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Simplified the network definition slightly

parent 0beabe84
......@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ template <long num_filters, typename SUBNET> using con3 = con<num_filters,3,3,1
// Now we can define the 8x downsampling block in terms of conv5d blocks. We
// also use relu and batch normalization in the standard way.
template <unsigned long N, typename SUBNET> using downsampler = relu<bn_con<con5d<N, relu<bn_con<con5d<N, relu<bn_con<con5d<N,SUBNET>>>>>>>>>;
template <typename SUBNET> using downsampler = relu<bn_con<con5d<32, relu<bn_con<con5d<32, relu<bn_con<con5d<32,SUBNET>>>>>>>>>;
// The rest of the network will be 3x3 conv layers with batch normalization and
// relu. So we define the 3x3 block we will use here.
template <unsigned long N, typename SUBNET> using rcon3 = relu<bn_con<con3<N,SUBNET>>>;
template <typename SUBNET> using rcon3 = relu<bn_con<con3<32,SUBNET>>>;
// Finally, we define the entire network. The special input_rgb_image_pyramid
// layer causes the network to operate over a spatial pyramid, making the detector
// scale invariant.
using net_type = loss_mmod<con<1,6,6,1,1,rcon3<32,rcon3<32,rcon3<32,downsampler<32,input_rgb_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<6>>>>>>>>;
using net_type = loss_mmod<con<1,6,6,1,1,rcon3<rcon3<rcon3<downsampler<input_rgb_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<6>>>>>>>>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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