Commit 4a1b5941 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Improved the error messages output when a set of truth rectangles can't be

represented by an image scanner.
parent 07e48859
......@@ -7,10 +7,19 @@
#include "../matrix.h"
#include "structural_svm_problem_threaded.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "../string.h"
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class impossible_labeling_error : public dlib::error
impossible_labeling_error(const std::string& msg) : dlib::error(msg) {};
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
......@@ -160,11 +169,22 @@ namespace dlib
using namespace std;
ostringstream sout;
sout << "impossible labeling found!" << endl;
sout << "An impossible set of object labels was detected. This is happening because ";
sout << "the truth labels for an image contain rectangles which overlap according to the ";
sout << "overlap_tester_type supplied for non-max suppression. To resolve this, you either need to ";
sout << "relax the overlap tester so it doesn't mark these rectangles as overlapping ";
sout << "or adjust the truth rectangles. ";
// make sure the above string fits nicely into a command prompt window.
string temp = sout.str();
sout.str(""); sout << wrap_string(temp,0,0) << endl << endl;
sout << "image index: "<< idx << endl;
sout << "The offending rectangles are:\n";
sout << "rect1: "<< mapped_rects[i] << endl;
sout << "rect2: "<< mapped_rects[j] << endl;
sout << "in image " << idx << endl;
throw dlib::error(sout.str());
throw dlib::impossible_labeling_error(sout.str());
......@@ -179,15 +199,29 @@ namespace dlib
using namespace std;
ostringstream sout;
sout << "overlap_eps is too tight!" << endl;
sout << "overlap_eps: "<< overlap_eps << endl;
sout << "mapped overlap: "<< area/total_area << endl;
sout << "width/height: "<< rects[idx][i].width()/(double)rects[idx][i].height() << endl;
sout << "area: "<< rects[idx][i].area() << endl;
sout << "true rect: "<< rects[idx][i] << endl;
sout << "mapped rect: "<< mapped_rects[i] << endl;
sout << "in image " << idx << endl;
throw dlib::error(sout.str());
sout << "An impossible set of object labels was detected. This is happening because ";
sout << "none of the sliding window detection templates is capable of matching the size ";
sout << "and/or shape of one of the ground truth rectangles to within the required overlap_eps ";
sout << "amount of overlap. To resolve this you need to either lower the overlap_eps, add ";
sout << "another detection template which can match the offending rectangle, or adjust the ";
sout << "offending truth rectangle so that it can be matched by an existing detection template. ";
sout << "It is also possible that the image pyramid you are using is too coarse. E.g. if one of ";
sout << "your existing detection templates has a matching width/height ratio and smaller area than the offending ";
sout << "rectangle then a finer image pyramid would probably help.";
// make sure the above string fits nicely into a command prompt window.
string temp = sout.str();
sout.str(""); sout << wrap_string(temp,0,0) << endl << endl;
sout << "overlap_eps: "<< overlap_eps << endl;
sout << "best possible overlap: " << area/total_area << endl;
sout << "truth rect width/height: "<< rects[idx][i].width()/(double)rects[idx][i].height() << endl;
sout << "truth rect area: "<< rects[idx][i].area() << endl;
sout << "truth rect: "<< rects[idx][i] << endl;
sout << "nearest detection template rect: "<< mapped_rects[i] << endl;
sout << "image index " << idx << endl;
throw dlib::impossible_labeling_error(sout.str());
......@@ -10,6 +10,23 @@
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class impossible_labeling_error : public dlib::error
This is the exception thrown by the structural_svm_object_detection_problem
when it detects that the image_scanner_type it is working with is incapable
of representing the truth rectangles it has been asked to predict.
This kind of problem can happen when the overlap_tester_type indicates that
two ground truth rectangles overlap and are therefore not allowed to both
be output at the same time. Or alternatively, if there are not enough
detection templates to cover the variety of truth rectangle shapes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
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