Commit 4d1ac3a8 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Clarified spec

parent c99f5085
......@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ namespace dlib
This object is a tool for extracting local feature descriptors from an image.
In particular, it fits a polynomial to every local pixel patch in an image and
allows you to query the coefficients of this polynomial. The coefficients
In particular, it fits polynomials to local pixel patches and allows you to
query the coefficients of these polynomials. Additionally, the coefficients
are intensity normalized by dividing them by the constant term of the fitted
polynomial and then the constant term is discarded.
Additionally, the user can specify a downsampling rate. If the template argument
Finally, the user can specify a downsampling rate. If the template argument
Downsample is set to 1 then feature extraction is performed at every pixel of
an input image (except for a small area around the image border). However,
if Downsample is set to 2 then feature extraction is only performed at every
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