Commit 5a4f2823 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made the image views do range checking when asserts are enabled.

parent 320a4849
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include "../assert.h"
namespace dlib
......@@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ namespace dlib
- returns the number of pixels in this image.
pixel_type* operator[] (long row) { return (pixel_type*)(_data+_width_step*row); }
......@@ -212,8 +215,51 @@ namespace dlib
the pixel at row and column position r,c can be accessed via
void set_size(long rows, long cols) { set_image_size(*_img, rows, cols); *this = *_img; }
// If asserts are enabled then we need to return a proxy class so we can make sure
// the column accesses don't go out of bounds.
struct pix_row
pix_row(pixel_type* data_, long nc_) : data(data_),_nc(nc_) {}
const pixel_type& operator[] (long col) const
DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= col && col < _nc,
"\t The given column index is out of range."
<< "\n\t col: " << col
<< "\n\t _nc: " << _nc);
return data[col];
pixel_type& operator[] (long col)
DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= col && col < _nc,
"\t The given column index is out of range."
<< "\n\t col: " << col
<< "\n\t _nc: " << _nc);
return data[col];
pixel_type* const data;
const long _nc;
pix_row operator[] (long row)
DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= row && row < _nr,
"\t The given row index is out of range."
<< "\n\t row: " << row
<< "\n\t _nr: " << _nr);
return pix_row((pixel_type*)(_data+_width_step*row), _nc);
const pix_row operator[] (long row) const
DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= row && row < _nr,
"\t The given row index is out of range."
<< "\n\t row: " << row
<< "\n\t _nr: " << _nr);
return pix_row((pixel_type*)(_data+_width_step*row), _nc);
void set_size(long rows, long cols)
- rows >= 0 && cols >= 0
......@@ -223,6 +269,15 @@ namespace dlib
- #nr() == rows
- #nc() == cols
DLIB_ASSERT((cols >= 0 && rows >= 0),
"\t image_view::set_size(long rows, long cols)"
<< "\n\t The images can't have negative rows or columns."
<< "\n\t cols: " << cols
<< "\n\t rows: " << rows
set_image_size(*_img, rows, cols); *this = *_img;
void clear() { set_size(0,0); }
......@@ -269,7 +324,35 @@ namespace dlib
long nr() const { return _nr; }
long nc() const { return _nc; }
unsigned long size() const { return static_cast<unsigned long>(nr()*nc()); }
const pixel_type* operator[] (long row) const { return (const pixel_type*)(_data+_width_step*row); }
// If asserts are enabled then we need to return a proxy class so we can make sure
// the column accesses don't go out of bounds.
struct pix_row
pix_row(pixel_type* data_, long nc_) : data(data_),_nc(nc_) {}
const pixel_type& operator[] (long col) const
DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= col && col < _nc,
"\t The given column index is out of range."
<< "\n\t col: " << col
<< "\n\t _nc: " << _nc);
return data[col];
pixel_type* const data;
const long _nc;
const pix_row operator[] (long row) const
DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= row && row < _nr,
"\t The given row index is out of range."
<< "\n\t row: " << row
<< "\n\t _nr: " << _nr);
return pix_row((pixel_type*)(_data+_width_step*row), _nc);
const char* _data;
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