Commit 5cff6b95 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made extract_image_chips() much faster when extracting an unscaled and

unrotated chip.  Also added another constructor to chip_details that takes just
a rectangle.
parent ae826a40
......@@ -1426,6 +1426,7 @@ namespace dlib
struct chip_details
chip_details() : angle(0), rows(0), cols(0) {}
chip_details(const rectangle& rect_) : rect(rect_),angle(0), rows(rect_.height()), cols(rect_.width()) {}
chip_details(const rectangle& rect_, unsigned long size) : rect(rect_),angle(0)
{ compute_dims_from_size(size); }
chip_details(const rectangle& rect_, unsigned long size, double angle_) : rect(rect_),angle(angle_)
......@@ -1530,6 +1531,49 @@ namespace dlib
return res;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace impl
template <
typename image_type1,
typename image_type2
void basic_extract_image_chip (
const image_type1& img,
const rectangle& location,
image_type2& chip
- This function doesn't do any scaling or rotating. It just pulls out the
chip in the given rectangle. This also means the output image has the
same dimensions as the location rectangle.
const_image_view<image_type1> vimg(img);
image_view<image_type2> vchip(chip);
vchip.set_size(location.height(), location.width());
// location might go outside img so clip it
rectangle area = location.intersect(get_rect(img));
// find the part of the chip that corresponds to area in img.
rectangle chip_area = translate_rect(area, -location.tl_corner());
zero_border_pixels(chip, chip_area);
// now pull out the contents of area/chip_area.
for (long r =, rr =; r <= chip_area.bottom(); ++r,++rr)
for (long c = chip_area.left(), cc = area.left(); c <= chip_area.right(); ++c,++cc)
assign_pixel(vchip[r][c], vimg[rr][cc]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
......@@ -1589,31 +1633,42 @@ namespace dlib
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < chips.size(); ++i)
set_image_size(chips[i], chip_locations[i].rows, chip_locations[i].cols);
// figure out which level in the pyramid to use to extract the chip
int level = -1;
rectangle rect = chip_locations[i].rect;
while (pyr.rect_down(rect).area() > chip_locations[i].size())
// If the chip doesn't have any rotation or scaling then use the basic version
// of chip extraction that just does a fast copy.
if (chip_locations[i].angle == 0 &&
chip_locations[i].rows == chip_locations[i].rect.height() &&
chip_locations[i].cols == chip_locations[i].rect.width())
rect = pyr.rect_down(rect);
impl::basic_extract_image_chip(img, chip_locations[i].rect, chips[i]);
// find the appropriate transformation that maps from the chip to the input
// image
from.push_back(get_rect(chips[i]).tl_corner()); to.push_back(rotate_point<double>(center(rect),rect.tl_corner(),chip_locations[i].angle));
from.push_back(get_rect(chips[i]).tr_corner()); to.push_back(rotate_point<double>(center(rect),rect.tr_corner(),chip_locations[i].angle));
from.push_back(get_rect(chips[i]).bl_corner()); to.push_back(rotate_point<double>(center(rect),rect.bl_corner(),chip_locations[i].angle));
point_transform_affine trns = find_similarity_transform(from,to);
// now extract the actual chip
if (level == -1)
set_image_size(chips[i], chip_locations[i].rows, chip_locations[i].cols);
// figure out which level in the pyramid to use to extract the chip
int level = -1;
rectangle rect = chip_locations[i].rect;
while (pyr.rect_down(rect).area() > chip_locations[i].size())
rect = pyr.rect_down(rect);
// find the appropriate transformation that maps from the chip to the input
// image
from.push_back(get_rect(chips[i]).tl_corner()); to.push_back(rotate_point<double>(center(rect),rect.tl_corner(),chip_locations[i].angle));
from.push_back(get_rect(chips[i]).tr_corner()); to.push_back(rotate_point<double>(center(rect),rect.tr_corner(),chip_locations[i].angle));
from.push_back(get_rect(chips[i]).bl_corner()); to.push_back(rotate_point<double>(center(rect),rect.bl_corner(),chip_locations[i].angle));
point_transform_affine trns = find_similarity_transform(from,to);
// now extract the actual chip
if (level == -1)
......@@ -1629,10 +1684,21 @@ namespace dlib
image_type2& chip
std::vector<chip_details> chip_locations(1,location);
dlib::array<image_type2> chips;
extract_image_chips(img, chip_locations, chips);
swap(chips[0], chip);
// If the chip doesn't have any rotation or scaling then use the basic version of
// chip extraction that just does a fast copy.
if (location.angle == 0 &&
location.rows == location.rect.height() &&
location.cols == location.rect.width())
impl::basic_extract_image_chip(img, location.rect, chip);
std::vector<chip_details> chip_locations(1,location);
dlib::array<image_type2> chips;
extract_image_chips(img, chip_locations, chips);
swap(chips[0], chip);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -907,8 +907,8 @@ namespace dlib
contained within the rectangle this->rect and that prior to extraction the
image should be rotated counter-clockwise by this->angle radians. Finally,
the extracted chip should have this->rows rows and this->cols columns in it
regardless of the shape of this->rect.
regardless of the shape of this->rect. This means that the extracted chip
will be stretched to fit via bilinear interpolation when necessary.
......@@ -922,6 +922,18 @@ namespace dlib
- #cols == 0
const rectangle& rect_
- #rect == rect_
- #size() == rect_.area()
- #angle == 0
- #rows == rect_.height()
- #cols == rect_.width()
const rectangle& rect_,
unsigned long size_
......@@ -1012,7 +1024,7 @@ namespace dlib
- #cols == dims.cols
- #size() == dims.rows*dims.cols
- #rect and #angle are computed based on the given size of the output chip
(specified by dims) and the similairty transform between the chip and
(specified by dims) and the similarity transform between the chip and
image (specified by chip_points and img_points).
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