Commit 5e7d14f4 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

simplified this object a little bit.

parent 02566cc9
......@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ namespace dlib
const image_type& img
bool has_image_statistics (
) const;
void copy_configuration (
const feature_extractor& item
......@@ -132,6 +130,8 @@ namespace dlib
inline bool has_image_statistics (
) const;
feature_extractor fe;
typename feature_extractor::descriptor_type inv_stddev;
......@@ -431,11 +431,9 @@ namespace dlib
// make sure requires clause is not broken
DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= row && row < nr() &&
0 <= col && col < nc() &&
has_image_statistics() == true,
0 <= col && col < nc(),
"\t descriptor_type hashed_feature_image::operator(row,col)"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
<< "\n\t has_image_statistics(): " << has_image_statistics()
<< "\n\t row: " << row
<< "\n\t col: " << col
<< "\n\t nr(): " << nr()
......@@ -444,7 +442,11 @@ namespace dlib
scaled_feats = pointwise_multiply(fe(row,col), inv_stddev);
if (has_image_statistics())
scaled_feats = pointwise_multiply(fe(row,col), inv_stddev);
scaled_feats = fe(row,col);
for (long i = 0; i < scales.size(); ++i)
quantized_feats = matrix_cast<int32>(scales(i)*scaled_feats);
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ namespace dlib
- size() == 0
- get_num_dimensions() == 1000
- has_image_statistics() == false
- get_scales() == logspace(-1,1,3)
......@@ -77,10 +76,10 @@ namespace dlib
- When a feature vector from BASE_FE is hashed, it is hashed into exactly
get_scales().size() hash bins. Each hash is computed as follows:
- first normalize the feature vector
- then multiply it by an element of get_scales()
- then convert the resulting vector to a vector of dlib::int32
- finally, hash the integer vector into a hash bin.
- First normalize the feature vector.
- Then multiply it by an element of get_scales().
- Then convert the resulting vector to a vector of dlib::int32.
- Finally, hash the integer vector into a hash bin.
- The size of the numbers in get_scales() determines how "big" the hash bins are.
A very small scale value would result in all input vectors being hashed into the
same bin, while larger scale values would result in only similar vectors
......@@ -97,22 +96,12 @@ namespace dlib
- image_type == is an implementation of array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h
- pixel_traits<typename image_type::type>::has_alpha == false
- image_type == any type that can be supplied to feature_extractor::load()
- if (img is large enough to have at least two local features in it) then
- #has_image_statistics() == true
- This function will accumulate image statistics across multiple calls.
Therefore, it can be beneficial to pass in many images.
bool has_image_statistics (
) const;
- Part of the hashing step is to normalize the features produced by
BASE_FE. This function returns true if we have accumulated the necessary
information to perform this normalization and false otherwise.
- Part of the hashing step is to normalize the features produced by BASE_FE.
This function will accumulate image statistics used to perform this normalization.
Note that it will accumulate across multiple calls. Therefore, it can be
beneficial to pass in many images.
void copy_configuration (
......@@ -145,8 +134,7 @@ namespace dlib
- image_type == is an implementation of array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h
- pixel_traits<typename image_type::type>::has_alpha == false
- image_type == any type that can be supplied to feature_extractor::load()
- performs BASE_FE.load(img)
i.e. does feature extraction. The features can be accessed using
......@@ -198,11 +186,10 @@ namespace dlib
) const;
- has_image_statistics() == true
- 0 <= row < nr()
- 0 <= col < nc()
- hashes BASE_FE(row,col) and returns resulting indicator vector.
- hashes BASE_FE(row,col) and returns the resulting indicator vector.
- Returns a vector V such that:
- V.size() == get_scales().size()
- for all valid i: 0 <= V[i].first < get_num_dimensions()
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