There are a few preprocessor directives you can supply during the build process to cause the
library to build in various optional ways. Most people will probably not want
to mess with these at all and will just use the library in its default build. But they are listed
here in the event that you need to use them.
There are a few preprocessor directives you can supply during the build process
to cause the library to build in various optional ways. By default, the
library will always do something reasonable, but they are listed here in the
event that you need to use them.
<h3>#define ENABLE_ASSERTS</h3>
Defining this directive causes all the <ahref="metaprogramming.html#DLIB_ASSERT">DLIB_ASSERT</a> macros to
be active. If you are using visual studio or CMake then ENABLE_ASSERTS will be automatically enabled
for you when you compile in debug mode. However, if you are using a different build system then you
might have to manually enable it if you want to turn the asserts on.
<h3>#define DLIB_ISO_CPP_ONLY</h3>
This is a #define directive that you can set to cause the library to exclude all non ISO C++ code (The things in the <ahref="api.html">API wrappers</a> section and any objects that depend on those wrappers).