Commit 6472306f authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Fixed docs

parent 67bbd255
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace dlib
- This function assumes img1 and img2 are the two gradient images produced by a
function like sobel_edge_detector(). It then unit normalizes the gradient
vectors. That is, for all valid r and c, this function ensures that:
- #img1[r][c]*img1[r][c] + #img2[r][c]*img2[r][c] == 1
- img1[r][c]*img1[r][c] + img2[r][c]*img2[r][c] == 1
unless both img1[r][c] and img2[r][c] were 0 initially, then they stay zero.
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ namespace dlib
within angle_nms_thresh degrees of a stronger line or within
radius_nms_thresh distance (in terms of radius as defined by
get_line_properties()) to a stronger Hough point.
- The identified lines is returned as a list of coordinates in himg.
- The identified lines are returned as a list of coordinates in himg.
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