Commit 74fbca45 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Changed the converter so that, rather than producing one python file with

everything in it, it now makes a python file as before but an additional binary
file with all the weights in it.  This way, if you are working with a network
with a very large number of weights you won't end up with a crazy large python
parent f9eab488
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ struct layer
string detail_name; // The name of the tag inside the layer tag. e.g. fc, con, max_pool, input_rgb_image.
std::map<string,double> attributes;
matrix<double> params;
matrix<float> params;
long tag_id = -1; // If this isn't -1 then it means this layer was tagged, e.g. wrapped with tag2<> giving tag_id==2
long skip_id = -1; // If this isn't -1 then it means this layer draws its inputs from
// the most recent layer with tag_id==skip_id rather than its immediate predecessor.
......@@ -109,17 +109,6 @@ string find_input_layer_caffe_name (iterator i) { return find_input_layer(i).caf
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename EXP>
void print_as_np_array(std::ostream& out, const matrix_exp<EXP>& m)
out << "np.array([";
for (auto x : m)
out << x << ",";
out << "], dtype='float32')";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename iterator>
void compute_caffe_padding_size_for_pooling_layer(
const iterator& i,
......@@ -213,7 +202,9 @@ void convert_dlib_xml_to_caffe_python_code(
const string out_filename = left_substr(xml_filename,".") + "";
cout << "Writing model to " << out_filename << endl;
const string out_weights_filename = left_substr(xml_filename,".") + "_dlib_to_caffe_model.weights";
cout << "Writing python part of model to " << out_filename << endl;
cout << "Writing weights part of model to " << out_weights_filename << endl;
ofstream fout(out_filename);
const auto layers = parse_dlib_xml({N,K,NR,NC}, xml_filename);
......@@ -472,8 +463,10 @@ void convert_dlib_xml_to_caffe_python_code(
// The next block of code outputs python code that populates all the filter weights.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ofstream fweights(out_weights_filename, ios::binary);
fout << "def set_network_weights(net):\n";
fout << " # populate network parameters\n";
fout << " f = open('"<<out_weights_filename<<"', 'rb');\n";
// iterate the layers starting with the input layer
for (auto i = layers.rbegin(); i != layers.rend(); ++i)
......@@ -485,56 +478,63 @@ void convert_dlib_xml_to_caffe_python_code(
if (i->detail_name == "con")
const long num_filters = i->attribute("num_filters");
matrix<double> weights = trans(rowm(i->params,range(0,i->params.size()-num_filters-1)));
matrix<double> biases = trans(rowm(i->params,range(i->params.size()-num_filters, i->params.size()-1)));
matrix<float> weights = trans(rowm(i->params,range(0,i->params.size()-num_filters-1)));
matrix<float> biases = trans(rowm(i->params,range(i->params.size()-num_filters, i->params.size()-1)));
fweights.write((char*)&weights(0,0), weights.size()*sizeof(float));
fweights.write((char*)&biases(0,0), biases.size()*sizeof(float));
// main filter weights
fout << " p = "; print_as_np_array(fout,weights); fout << ";\n";
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<weights.size()<<");\n";
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n";
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n";
// biases
fout << " p = "; print_as_np_array(fout,biases); fout << ";\n";
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<biases.size()<<");\n";
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data.shape;\n";
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data[:] = p;\n";
else if (i->detail_name == "fc")
matrix<double> weights = trans(rowm(i->params, range(0,i->;
matrix<double> biases = rowm(i->params, i->;
matrix<float> weights = trans(rowm(i->params, range(0,i->;
matrix<float> biases = rowm(i->params, i->;
fweights.write((char*)&weights(0,0), weights.size()*sizeof(float));
fweights.write((char*)&biases(0,0), biases.size()*sizeof(float));
// main filter weights
fout << " p = "; print_as_np_array(fout,weights); fout << ";\n";
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<weights.size()<<");\n";
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n";
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n";
// biases
fout << " p = "; print_as_np_array(fout,biases); fout << ";\n";
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<biases.size()<<");\n";
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data.shape;\n";
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data[:] = p;\n";
else if (i->detail_name == "fc_no_bias")
matrix<double> weights = trans(i->params);
matrix<float> weights = trans(i->params);
fweights.write((char*)&weights(0,0), weights.size()*sizeof(float));
// main filter weights
fout << " p = "; print_as_np_array(fout,weights); fout << ";\n";
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<weights.size()<<");\n";
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n";
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n";
else if (i->detail_name == "affine_con" || i->detail_name == "affine_fc")
const long dims = i->params.size()/2;
matrix<double> gamma = trans(rowm(i->params,range(0,dims-1)));
matrix<double> beta = trans(rowm(i->params,range(dims, 2*dims-1)));
matrix<float> gamma = trans(rowm(i->params,range(0,dims-1)));
matrix<float> beta = trans(rowm(i->params,range(dims, 2*dims-1)));
fweights.write((char*)&gamma(0,0), gamma.size()*sizeof(float));
fweights.write((char*)&beta(0,0), beta.size()*sizeof(float));
// set gamma weights
fout << " p = "; print_as_np_array(fout,gamma); fout << ";\n";
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<gamma.size()<<");\n";
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data.shape;\n";
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][0].data[:] = p;\n";
// set beta weights
fout << " p = "; print_as_np_array(fout,beta); fout << ";\n";
fout << " p = np.fromfile(f, dtype='float32', count="<<beta.size()<<");\n";
fout << " p.shape = net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data.shape;\n";
fout << " net.params['"<<i->caffe_layer_name()<<"'][1].data[:] = p;\n";
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