Commit 78103a58 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

updated spec about con_

parent 8b805c99
......@@ -634,6 +634,12 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct num_con_outputs
num_con_outputs(unsigned long n) : num_outputs(n) {}
unsigned long num_outputs;
template <
long _num_filters,
long _nr,
......@@ -684,6 +690,24 @@ namespace dlib
- #get_bias_weight_decay_multiplier() == 0
num_con_outputs o
- #num_filters() == o.num_outputs
- #nr() == _nr
- #nc() == _nc
- #stride_y() == _stride_y
- #stride_x() == _stride_x
- #padding_y() == _padding_y
- #padding_x() == _padding_x
- #get_learning_rate_multiplier() == 1
- #get_weight_decay_multiplier() == 1
- #get_bias_learning_rate_multiplier() == 1
- #get_bias_weight_decay_multiplier() == 0
long num_filters(
) const;
......@@ -693,6 +717,19 @@ namespace dlib
of filters.
void set_num_filters(
long num
- num > 0
- get_layer_params().size() == 0
(i.e. You can't change the number of filters in con_ if the parameter
tensor has already been allocated.)
- #num_filters() == num
long nr(
) const;
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