Commit 7b7209b7 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

updated docs

parent 943874c5
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
<li>An object to help you make TCP based <a href="network.html#server">servers</a></li>
<li>A <a href="network.html#sockstreambuf">streambuf</a> object that enables TCP sockets
to interoperate with the C++ iostreams library </li>
<li>A simple <a href="network.html#http">HTTP server</a> object you can use to embed a
<li>A simple <a href="network.html#server_http">HTTP server</a> object you can use to embed a
web server into your applications</li>
<li>A message passing <a href="other.html#pipe">pipe</a> for inter-thread and <a href="network.html#bridge">inter-process</a> communication</li>
<li>A tool used to implement algorithms using the
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
......@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<component checked="true">
......@@ -174,101 +176,37 @@
This implementation is done using the objects defined in the
<a href="api.html#sockets">sockets</a> and <a href="api.html#threads">threads</a> packages.
It also uses a <a href="containers.html#set">set</a> to keep track of the connections.
<description>is a typedef for server_kernel_1 that uses set_kernel_1a</description>
This extension redefines the on_connect() function so that
instead of giving you a connection object you get an istream
and ostream object.
This is implemented in the obvious way using the <a href="#sockstreambuf">sockstreambuf</a> object.
<description>is a typedef for server_kernel_1a extended by server_iostream_1 that uses
This extension turns the server object into a simple HTTP server.
This is implemented in the obvious way.
<description>is a typedef for server_iostream_1a extended by server_http_1 </description>
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
This is an extension of the <a href="#server">server</a> object that redefines
the on_connect() function so that instead of giving you a connection object you
get an istream and ostream object.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
<spec_file link="true">dlib/server/server_http_abstract.h</spec_file>
This is an extension of the <a href="#server">server</a> object which
turns it into a simple HTTP server.
<!-- ************************************************************************* -->
......@@ -1225,7 +1225,9 @@
<term file="network.html" name="linker"/>
<term file="network.html" name="server"/>
<term link="network.html#http" name="HTTP server"/>
<term file="network.html" name="server_iostream"/>
<term file="network.html" name="server_http"/>
<term link="network.html#server_http" name="HTTP server"/>
<term file="network.html" name="sockstreambuf"/>
<term file="network.html" name="bridge"/>
<term file="dlib/bridge/bridge_abstract.h.html" name="connect_to_ip_and_port"/>
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