Commit 7b731dd1 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added some convenience routines for making potts grid problems.

parent dbce1407
...@@ -814,6 +814,140 @@ namespace dlib ...@@ -814,6 +814,140 @@ namespace dlib
find_max_factor_graph_potts(model); find_max_factor_graph_potts(model);
} }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace impl
template <
typename image_type,
typename model_type
struct potts_grid_image_pair_model
const typename image_type::type* data1;
const typename image_type::type* data2;
const model_type& model;
const long nr_;
const long nc_;
const model_type& model_,
const image_type& img1,
const image_type& img2
) :
data1 = &img1[0][0];
data2 = &img2[0][0];
typedef typename model_type::value_type value_type;
long nr() const { return nr_; }
long nc() const { return nc_; }
value_type factor_value (
unsigned long idx
) const
return model.factor_value(*(data1 + idx), *(data2 + idx));
value_type factor_value_disagreement (
unsigned long idx1,
unsigned long idx2
) const
return model.factor_value_disagreement(*(data1 + idx1), *(data1 + idx2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename image_type,
typename model_type
struct potts_grid_image_single_model
const typename image_type::type* data1;
const model_type& model;
const long nr_;
const long nc_;
const model_type& model_,
const image_type& img1
) :
data1 = &img1[0][0];
typedef typename model_type::value_type value_type;
long nr() const { return nr_; }
long nc() const { return nc_; }
value_type factor_value (
unsigned long idx
) const
return model.factor_value(*(data1 + idx));
value_type factor_value_disagreement (
unsigned long idx1,
unsigned long idx2
) const
return model.factor_value_disagreement(*(data1 + idx1), *(data1 + idx2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename pair_image_model,
typename pixel_type,
typename mem_manager
impl::potts_grid_image_pair_model<array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>, pair_image_model> make_potts_grid_problem (
const pair_image_model& model,
const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img1,
const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img2
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img1) == get_rect(img2),
"\t potts_grid_problem make_potts_grid_problem()"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
<< "\n\t get_rect(img1): " << get_rect(img1)
<< "\n\t get_rect(img2): " << get_rect(img2)
typedef impl::potts_grid_image_pair_model<array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>, pair_image_model> potts_type;
return potts_type(model,img1,img2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename single_image_model,
typename pixel_type,
typename mem_manager
impl::potts_grid_image_single_model<array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>, single_image_model> make_potts_grid_problem (
const single_image_model& model,
const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img
typedef impl::potts_grid_image_single_model<array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>, single_image_model> potts_type;
return potts_type(model,img);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} }
...@@ -442,6 +442,180 @@ namespace dlib ...@@ -442,6 +442,180 @@ namespace dlib
- == - ==
!*/ !*/
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct single_image_model
This object defines a slightly more convenient interface for creating
potts_grid_problems which operate on an image. In this case, the goal
is to assign a label to each coordinate of an image. In particular,
this object defines the interface used by the make_potts_grid_problem()
routine defined below.
In the comments below, we will refer to the image supplied to
make_potts_grid_problem() as IMG.
// This typedef should be for a type like int or double. It
// must also be capable of representing signed values.
typedef an_integer_or_real_type value_type;
template <typename pixel_type>
value_type factor_value (
const pixel_type& v
) const;
- v is a pixel value from IMG.
- returns a value which indicates how "good" it is to assign the location
in IMG corresponding to v with the label of true. The larger the value,
the more desirable it is to give it this label. Similarly, a negative
value indicates that it is better to give the node a label of false.
- It is valid for the returned value to be positive or negative infinity.
A value of positive infinity indicates that the pixel must be labeled
true while negative infinity means it must be labeled false.
template <typename pixel_type>
value_type factor_value_disagreement (
const pixel_type& v1,
const pixel_type& v2
) const;
- v1 and v2 are pixel values from neighboring pixels in the IMG image.
- returns a number >= 0. This is the penalty for giving neighboring pixels
with values v1 and v2 different labels. Larger values indicate a larger
- this function is symmetric. That is, it is true that:
factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- The return value should be a finite value.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename single_image_model,
typename pixel_type,
typename mem_manager
potts_grid_problem make_potts_grid_problem (
const single_image_model& model,
const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img
- single_image_model == an object with an interface compatible with the
single_image_model object defined above.
- for all valid i and j:
- model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == model.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- returns a potts_grid_problem which can be solved using the
find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob,array2d) routine defined above. That is,
given an image to store the labels, the following statement would solve the
potts problem defined by the given model and image:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct pair_image_model
This object defines a slightly more convenient interface for creating
potts_grid_problems which operate on a pair of identically sized images.
In this case, the goal is to assign a label to each coordinate in one
of the image pairs. In particular, this object defines the interface
used by the make_potts_grid_problem() routine defined below.
In the comments below, we will refer to the two images supplied to
make_potts_grid_problem() as IMG1 and IMG2. The goal of the potts
problem will be to assign labels to each pixel in IMG1 (IMG2 is
not labeled, it is simply used as a place to keep auxiliary data).
// This typedef should be for a type like int or double. It
// must also be capable of representing signed values.
typedef an_integer_or_real_type value_type;
template <typename pixel_type>
value_type factor_value (
const pixel_type& v1,
const pixel_type& v2
) const;
- v1 and v2 are corresponding pixels from IMG1 and IMG2 respectively.
That is, both pixel values have the same coordinates in the images.
So for example, if v1 is the value of IMG1[4][5] then v2 is the value
of IMG2[4][5].
- returns a value which indicates how "good" it is to assign the location
in IMG1 corresponding to v1 with the label of true. The larger the value,
the more desirable it is to give it this label. Similarly, a negative
value indicates that it is better to give the node a label of false.
- It is valid for the returned value to be positive or negative infinity.
A value of positive infinity indicates that the pixel must be labeled
true while negative infinity means it must be labeled false.
template <typename pixel_type>
value_type factor_value_disagreement (
const pixel_type& v1,
const pixel_type& v2
) const;
- v1 and v2 are pixel values from neighboring pixels in the IMG1 image.
- returns a number >= 0. This is the penalty for giving neighboring pixels
with values v1 and v2 different labels. Larger values indicate a larger
- this function is symmetric. That is, it is true that:
factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- The return value should be a finite value.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename pair_image_model,
typename pixel_type,
typename mem_manager
potts_grid_problem make_potts_grid_problem (
const pair_image_model& model,
const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img1,
const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img2
- get_rect(img1) == get_rect(img2)
(i.e. img1 and img2 have the same dimensions)
- pair_image_model == an object with an interface compatible with the
pair_image_model object defined above.
- for all valid i and j:
- model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == model.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- returns a potts_grid_problem which can be solved using the
find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob,array2d) routine defined above. That is,
given an image to store the labels, the following statement would solve the
potts problem defined by the given model and pair of images:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} }
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