Commit 86bed7c1 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added visit_layers()

parent 2927671d
......@@ -3198,6 +3198,57 @@ namespace dlib
impl::vlpg_loop<0, net_type::num_layers>::visit(comp_i, net, v);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace impl
template <size_t i, size_t num>
struct vl_loop
template <
typename net_type,
typename visitor
static void visit(
net_type& net,
visitor&& v
v(i, layer<i>(net));
vl_loop<i+1, num>::visit(net,v);
template <size_t num>
struct vl_loop<num,num>
template <
typename net_type,
typename visitor
static void visit(
// Base case of recursion. Don't do anything.
template <
typename net_type,
typename visitor
void visit_layers(
net_type& net,
visitor v
impl::vl_loop<0, net_type::num_layers>::visit(net, v);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1425,6 +1425,32 @@ namespace dlib
- When v() is called, the first argument is always < net_type::num_computational_layers.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename net_type,
typename visitor
void visit_layers(
net_type& net,
visitor v
- net_type is an object of type add_layer, add_loss_layer, add_skip_layer, or
- v is a function object with a signature equivalent to:
v(size_t idx, any_net_type& t)
That is, it must take a size_t and then any of the network types such as
add_layer, add_loss_layer, etc.
- Loops over all the layers in net and calls v() on them. To be specific, this
function essentially performs the following:
for (size_t i = 0; i < net_type::num_layers; ++i)
v(i, layer<i>(net));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct layer_test_results
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