Commit 9043c741 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added extract_ layer

parent 525cfc71
......@@ -2883,6 +2883,122 @@ namespace dlib
template <typename SUBNET>
using l2normalize = add_layer<l2normalize_, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
long _offset,
long _k,
long _nr,
long _nc
class extract_
static_assert(_offset >= 0, "The offset must be >= 0.");
static_assert(_k > 0, "The number of channels must be > 0.");
static_assert(_nr > 0, "The number of rows must be > 0.");
static_assert(_nc > 0, "The number of columns must be > 0.");
template <typename SUBNET>
void setup (const SUBNET& sub)
DLIB_CASSERT(sub.get_output().size() >= sub.get_output().num_samples()*(_offset+_k*_nr*_nc),
"The tensor we are trying to extract from the input tensor is too big to fit into the input tensor.");
aout = alias_tensor(sub.get_output().num_samples(), _k*_nr*_nc);
ain = alias_tensor(sub.get_output().num_samples(), sub.get_output().size()/sub.get_output().num_samples());
template <typename SUBNET>
void forward(const SUBNET& sub, resizable_tensor& output)
output.set_size(sub.get_output().num_samples(), _k, _nr, _nc);
auto out = aout(output,0);
auto in = ain(sub.get_output(),0);
tt::copy_tensor(false, out, 0, in, _offset, _k*_nr*_nc);
template <typename SUBNET>
void backward(const tensor& gradient_input, SUBNET& sub, tensor& /*params_grad*/)
auto out = ain(sub.get_gradient_input(),0);
auto in = aout(gradient_input,0);
tt::copy_tensor(true, out, _offset, in, 0, _k*_nr*_nc);
const tensor& get_layer_params() const { return params; }
tensor& get_layer_params() { return params; }
friend void serialize(const extract_& item, std::ostream& out)
serialize("extract_", out);
serialize(_offset, out);
serialize(_k, out);
serialize(_nr, out);
serialize(_nc, out);
friend void deserialize(extract_& item, std::istream& in)
std::string version;
deserialize(version, in);
if (version != "extract_")
throw serialization_error("Unexpected version '"+version+"' found while deserializing dlib::extract_.");
long offset;
long k;
long nr;
long nc;
deserialize(offset, in);
deserialize(k, in);
deserialize(nr, in);
deserialize(nc, in);
if (offset != _offset) throw serialization_error("Wrong offset found while deserializing dlib::extract_");
if (k != _k) throw serialization_error("Wrong k found while deserializing dlib::extract_");
if (nr != _nr) throw serialization_error("Wrong nr found while deserializing dlib::extract_");
if (nc != _nc) throw serialization_error("Wrong nc found while deserializing dlib::extract_");
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const extract_& item)
out << "extract\t ("
<< "offset="<<_offset
<< ", k="<<_k
<< ", nr="<<_nr
<< ", nc="<<_nc
<< ")";
return out;
friend void to_xml(const extract_& item, std::ostream& out)
out << "<extract";
out << " offset='"<<_offset<<"'";
out << " k='"<<_k<<"'";
out << " nr='"<<_nr<<"'";
out << " nc='"<<_nc<<"'";
out << "/>\n";
alias_tensor aout, ain;
resizable_tensor params; // unused
template <
long offset,
long k,
long nr,
long nc,
typename SUBNET
using extract = add_layer<extract_<offset,k,nr,nc>, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -877,8 +877,6 @@ namespace dlib
using con = add_layer<con_<num_filters,nr,nc,stride_y,stride_x>, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
......@@ -2333,11 +2331,11 @@ namespace dlib
This is an implementation of the EXAMPLE_COMPUTATIONAL_LAYER_ interface
defined above. It takes tensors as input and L2 normalizes them. In particular,
it has the following properties:
- The output tensors from this layer have the same dimenstions as the
- The output tensors from this layer have the same dimensions as the
input tensors.
- If you think of each input tensor as a set of tensor::num_samples()
vectors, then the output tensor contains the same vectors except they
have been length normlized so that their L2 norms are all 1. I.e.
have been length normalized so that their L2 norms are all 1. I.e.
for each vector v we will have ||v||==1.
......@@ -2372,6 +2370,71 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
long _offset,
long _k,
long _nr,
long _nc
class extract_
- 0 <= _offset
- 0 < _k
- 0 < _nr
- 0 < _nc
This is an implementation of the EXAMPLE_COMPUTATIONAL_LAYER_ interface
defined above. In particular, the output of this layer is simply a copy of
the input tensor. However, you can configure the extract layer to output
only some subset of the input tensor and also to reshape it. Therefore,
the dimensions of the tensors output by this layer are as follows (letting
IN be the input tensor and OUT the output tensor):
- OUT.num_samples() == IN.num_samples()
- OUT.k() == _k
- == _nr
- == _nc
So the output will always have the same number of samples as the input, but
within each sample (the k,nr,nc part) we will copy only a subset of the
values. Moreover, the _offset parameter controls which part of each sample
we take. To be very precise, we will have:
- let IN_SIZE = IN.k()**
- let OUT_SIZE = _k*_nr*_nc
- for i in range[0,IN.num_samples()) and j in range[0,OUT_SIZE):
-[i*OUT_SIZE+j] ==[i*IN_SIZE+_offset+j]
Finally, all this means that the input tensor to this layer must have a big
enough size to accommodate taking a _k*_nr*_nc slice from each of its
template <typename SUBNET> void setup (const SUBNET& sub);
template <typename SUBNET> void forward(const SUBNET& sub, resizable_tensor& output);
template <typename SUBNET> void backward(const tensor& gradient_input, SUBNET& sub, tensor& params_grad);
const tensor& get_layer_params() const;
tensor& get_layer_params();
These functions are implemented as described in the EXAMPLE_COMPUTATIONAL_LAYER_ interface.
template <
long offset,
long k,
long nr,
long nc,
typename SUBNET
using extract = add_layer<extract_<offset,k,nr,nc>, SUBNET>;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1509,6 +1509,24 @@ namespace
void test_layers()
extract_<0,2,2,2> l;
auto res = test_layer(l);
DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
extract_<3,2,1,2> l;
auto res = test_layer(l);
DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
extract_<0,2,1,2> l;
auto res = test_layer(l);
DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
upsample_<1,1> l;
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