Commit 908f5540 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Make arrays of points and rectangles constructable with a size in the Python API.

parent 44c06150
......@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ ensures \n\
typedef std::vector<rectangle> type;
py::bind_vector<type>(m, "rectangles", "An array of rectangle objects.")
.def(py::init<size_t>(), py::arg("initial_size"))
.def("clear", &type::clear)
.def("resize", resize<type>)
.def("extend", extend_vector_with_python_list<rectangle>)
......@@ -250,6 +251,7 @@ ensures \n\
typedef std::vector<std::vector<rectangle>> type;
py::bind_vector<type>(m, "rectangless", "An array of arrays of rectangle objects.")
.def(py::init<size_t>(), py::arg("initial_size"))
.def("clear", &type::clear)
.def("resize", resize<type>)
.def("extend", extend_vector_with_python_list<rectangle>)
......@@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ void bind_vector(py::module& m)
typedef std::vector<point> type;
py::bind_vector<type>(m, "points", "An array of point objects.")
.def(py::init<size_t>(), py::arg("initial_size"))
.def("clear", &type::clear)
.def("resize", resize<type>)
.def("extend", extend_vector_with_python_list<point>)
......@@ -467,6 +468,7 @@ void bind_vector(py::module& m)
typedef std::vector<dpoint> type;
py::bind_vector<type>(m, "dpoints", "An array of dpoint objects.")
.def(py::init<size_t>(), py::arg("initial_size"))
.def("clear", &type::clear)
.def("resize", resize<type>)
.def("extend", extend_vector_with_python_list<dpoint>)
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