Commit 93818fd7 authored by Ehsan Azarnasab's avatar Ehsan Azarnasab

only change option key and not its value, which could be case sensitive.

make sure --cmake can be used to pass any cmake not in the path.
parent 9e4fe65c
......@@ -71,16 +71,17 @@ def _get_options():
# parse commandline options and consume those we care about
for opt_idx, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
if not arg.startswith('--'):
opt = arg[2:].lower()
if opt_key == 'cmake':
_cmake_path = opt
if opt_key:
if not arg.startswith('--'):
opt = arg[2:].lower()
if opt == 'cmake':
_cmake_path = None
opt_key = opt
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