Commit 94834047 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

minor fix

parent 3f229d64
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public:
// this object's operator() function and the images supplied to load(). In this example it's trivial.
// However, in general, you might create feature extractors which don't perform extraction at every
// possible image location (e.g. the hog_image) and thus result in some more complex mapping.
inline const rectangle get_block_rect ( long row, long col) const { return centered_rect(col,row,1,1); }
inline const rectangle get_block_rect ( long row, long col) const { return centered_rect(col,row,3,3); }
inline const point image_to_feat_space ( const point& p) const { return p; }
inline const rectangle image_to_feat_space ( const rectangle& rect) const { return rect; }
inline const point feat_to_image_space ( const point& p) const { return p; }
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