Commit 9b0f831d authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added an initial cut of the SURF and image keypoint finding code

extra : convert_revision : svn%3Afdd8eb12-d10e-0410-9acb-85c331704f74/trunk%402989
parent 22897aec
// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#include "image_keypoint/surf.h"
#include "image_keypoint/hessian_pyramid.h"
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#include "../image_transforms/integral_image_abstract.h"
#include "../noncopyable.h"
#include <vector>
namespace dlib
class hessian_pyramid : noncopyable
- octaves() == 0
- intervals() == 0
This object represents an image pyramid where each level in the
pyramid holds determinants of Hessian matrices for the original
input image. This object can be used to find stable interest
points in an image. For further details consult the following
This object is an implementation of the fast Hessian pyramid
as described in the paper:
SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features
By Herbert Bay1 , Tinne Tuytelaars2 , and Luc Van Gool12
This implementation was also influenced by the very well documented
OpenSURF library and its corresponding description of how the fast
Hessian algorithm functions:
Notes on the OpenSURF Library
Christopher Evans
template <typename integral_image_type>
void build_pyramid (
const integral_image_type& img,
long num_octaves,
long num_intervals,
long initial_step_size
- num_octaves > 0
- num_intervals > 0
- initial_step_size > 0
- integral_image_type == an object such as dlib::integral_image or another
type that implements the interface defined in image_transforms/integral_image_abstract.h
- #get_step_size(0) == initial_step_size
- #octaves() == num_octaves
- #intervals() == num_intervals
- creates a Hessian pyramid from the given input image.
long octaves (
) const;
- returns the number of octaves in this pyramid
long intervals (
) const;
- returns the number of intervals in this pyramid
long get_border_size (
long octave
) const;
- 0 <= octave < octaves()
- Each octave of the pyramid has a certain sized border region where we
can't compute the Hessian values since they are too close to the edge
of the input image. This function returns the size of that border.
long get_step_size (
long octave
) const;
- 0 <= octave < octaves()
- Each octave has a step size value. This value determines how many
input image pixels separate each pixel in the given pyramid octave.
As the octave gets larger (i.e. as it goes to the top of the pyramid) the
step size gets bigger and thus the pyramid narrows.
long nr (
long octave
) const;
- 0 <= octave < octaves()
- returns the number of rows there are per layer in the given
octave of pyramid
long nc (
long octave
) const;
- 0 <= octave < octaves()
- returns the number of columns there are per layer in the given
octave of pyramid
double get_value (
long octave,
long interval,
long r,
long c
) const;
- 0 <= octave < octaves()
- 0 <= interval < intervals()
- Let BS == get_border_size(octave): then
- BS <= r < nr(octave)-BS
- BS <= c < nc(octave)-BS
- returns the determinant of the Hessian from the given octave and interval
of the pyramid. The specific point sampled at this pyramid level is
the one that corresponds to the input image point (point(r,c)*get_step_size(octave)).
double get_laplacian (
long octave,
long interval,
long r,
long c
) const;
- 0 <= octave < octaves()
- 0 <= interval < intervals()
- Let BS == get_border_size(octave): then
- BS <= r < nr(octave)-BS
- BS <= c < nc(octave)-BS
- returns the sign of the laplacian for the given octave and interval
of the pyramid. The specific point sampled at this pyramid level is
the one that corresponds to the input image point (point(r,c)*get_step_size(octave)).
- The laplacian is the trace of the Hessian at the given point. So this
function returns either +1 or -1 depending on this number's sign. This
value can be used to distinguish bright blobs on dark backgrounds from
the reverse.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct interest_point
This object contains the interest points found using the
hessian_pyramid object. Its fields have the following
- center == the x/y location of the center of the interest point
- scale == the scale at which the point was detected
- score == the determinant of the Hessian for the interest point
- laplacian == the sign of the laplacian for the interest point
interest_point() : scale(0), score(0), laplacian(0) {}
dlib::vector<double,2> center;
double scale;
double score;
double laplacian;
bool operator < (const interest_point& p) const { return score < p.score; }
This function is here so you can sort interest points according to
their scores
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename Alloc>
void get_interest_points (
const hessian_pyramid& pyr,
double threshold,
std::vector<interest_point,Alloc>& result_points
- threshold >= 0
- extracts interest points from the pyramid pyr and stores them into
result_points (note that result_points is cleared before these new interest
points are added to it).
- Only interest points with determinant values in the pyramid larger than
threshold are output.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#ifndef DLIB_SURf_H_
#define DLIB_SURf_H_
#include "surf_abstract.h"
#include "hessian_pyramid.h"
#include "../matrix.h"
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct surf_point
interest_point p;
matrix<double,64,1> des;
double angle;
double match_score;
bool operator < (const surf_point& p) const { return match_score < p.match_score; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline double gaussian (double x, double y, double sig)
const double pi = 3.1415926535898;
return 1.0/(sig*std::sqrt(2*pi)) * std::exp( -(x*x + y*y)/(2*sig*sig));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type, typename T>
double compute_dominant_angle (
const integral_image_type& img,
const dlib::vector<T,2>& center,
const double& scale
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(center, 17*scale,17*scale)) == true,
"\tdouble compute_dominant_angle(img, center, scale)"
<< "\n\tAll arguments to this function must be > 0"
<< "\n\t get_rect(img): " << get_rect(img)
<< "\n\t center: " << center
<< "\n\t scale: " << scale
const double pi = 3.1415926535898;
std::vector<double> ang;
std::vector<dlib::vector<double,2> > samples;
// accumulate a bunch of angle and vector samples
dlib::vector<double,2> vect;
for (long r = -6; r <= 6; ++r)
for (long c = -6; c <= 6; ++c)
if (r*r + c*c < 36)
// compute a Gaussian weighted gradient and the gradient's angle.
const double gauss = gaussian(c,r, 2.5);
vect.x() = gauss*haar_x(img, scale*point(c,r)+center, static_cast<long>(4*scale+0.5));
vect.y() = gauss*haar_y(img, scale*point(c,r)+center, static_cast<long>(4*scale+0.5));
ang.push_back(atan2(vect.y(), vect.x()));
//cout << "ang size: " << ang.size() << endl;
// now find the dominant direction
double max_length = 0;
double best_ang = 0;
// look at a bunch of pie shaped slices of a circle
const long slices = 45;
const double ang_step = (2*pi)/slices;
for (long ang_i = 0; ang_i < slices; ++ang_i)
// compute the bounding angles
double ang1 = ang_step*ang_i - pi;
double ang2 = ang1 + pi/3;
// compute sum of all vectors that are within the above two angles
vect.x() = 0;
vect.y() = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ang.size(); ++i)
if (ang1 <= ang[i] && ang[i] <= ang2)
vect += samples[i];
//cout << ".";
else if (ang2 > pi && (ang[i] >= ang1 || ang[i] <= (-2*pi+ang2)))
vect += samples[i];
//cout << ".";
//cout << "$";
// record the angle of the best vectors
if (length_squared(vect) > max_length)
max_length = length_squared(vect);
best_ang = atan2(vect.y(), vect.x());
return best_ang;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type, typename T, typename MM, typename L>
void compute_surf_descriptor (
const integral_image_type& img,
const dlib::vector<T,2>& center,
const double scale,
const double angle,
matrix<double,64,1,MM,L>& des
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(center, 31*scale,31*scale)) == true,
"\tvoid compute_surf_descriptor(img, center, scale, angle)"
<< "\n\tAll arguments to this function must be > 0"
<< "\n\t get_rect(img): " << get_rect(img)
<< "\n\t center: " << center
<< "\n\t scale: " << scale
point_rotator rot(angle);
point_rotator inv_rot(-angle);
long count = 0;
// loop over the 4x4 grid of histogram buckets
for (long r = -10; r < 10; r += 5)
for (long c = -10; c < 10; c += 5)
dlib::vector<double,2> vect, abs_vect, temp;
// now loop over 25 points in this bucket and sum their features
for (long y = r; y < r+5; ++y)
for (long x = c; x < c+5; ++x)
// get the rotated point for this extraction point
point p(rot(point(x,y)*scale) + center);
const double gauss = gaussian(x,y, 3.3);
temp.x() = gauss*haar_x(img, p, static_cast<long>(2*scale+0.5));
temp.y() = gauss*haar_y(img, p, static_cast<long>(2*scale+0.5));
// rotate this vector into alignment with the surf descriptor box
temp = inv_rot(temp);
vect += temp;
abs_vect += abs(temp);
des(count++) = vect.x();
des(count++) = vect.y();
des(count++) = abs_vect.x();
des(count++) = abs_vect.y();
// return the length normalized descriptor
des = des/length(des);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename image_type>
const std::vector<surf_point> get_surf_points (
const image_type& img,
long max_points
integral_image int_img;
hessian_pyramid pyr;
pyr.build_pyramid(int_img, 4, 6, 2);
std::vector<interest_point> points;
get_interest_points(pyr, 0.10, points);
std::vector<surf_point> spoints;
// sort all the points by how strong their detect is
std::sort(points.rbegin(), points.rend());
// now extract SURF descriptors for the points
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < std::min((size_t)max_points,points.size()); ++i)
// ignore points that are close to the edge of the image
const double border = 31;
//const double border = std::sqrt(22.0*22 + 22*22);
if (get_rect(int_img).contains(centered_rect(points[i].center, border*points[i].scale, border*points[i].scale)))
surf_point sp;
sp.angle = compute_dominant_angle(int_img, points[i].center, points[i].scale);
compute_surf_descriptor(int_img, points[i].center, points[i].scale, sp.angle, sp.des);
sp.p = points[i];
return spoints;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // DLIB_SURf_H_
// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#include "hessian_pyramid_abstract.h"
#include "../geometry/vector_abstract.h"
#include "../matrix/matrix_abstract.h"
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double gaussian (
double x,
double y,
double sig
const double pi = 3.1415926535898;
return 1.0/(sig*std::sqrt(2*pi)) * std::exp( -(x*x + y*y)/(2*sig*sig));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type, typename T>
double compute_dominant_angle (
const integral_image_type& img,
const dlib::vector<T,2>& center,
const double& scale
- integral_image_type == an object such as dlib::integral_image or another
type that implements the interface defined in image_transforms/integral_image_abstract.h
- scale > 0
- get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(center, 17*scale, 17*scale)) == true
(i.e. center can't be within 17*scale pixels of the edge of the image)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type, typename T, typename MM, typename L>
void compute_surf_descriptor (
const integral_image_type& img,
const dlib::vector<T,2>& center,
const double scale,
const double angle,
matrix<double,64,1,MM,L>& des
- integral_image_type == an object such as dlib::integral_image or another
type that implements the interface defined in image_transforms/integral_image_abstract.h
- scale > 0
- get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(center, 31*scale, 31*scale)) == true
(i.e. center can't be within 31*scale pixels of the edge of the image)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct surf_point
interest_point p;
matrix<double,64,1> des;
double angle;
double match_score;
bool operator < (const surf_point& p) const { return match_score < p.match_score; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename image_type>
const std::vector<surf_point> get_surf_points (
const image_type& img,
long max_points
- max_points > 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
...@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ ...@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "image_transforms/thresholding.h" #include "image_transforms/thresholding.h"
#include "image_transforms/edge_detector.h" #include "image_transforms/edge_detector.h"
#include "image_transforms/draw.h" #include "image_transforms/draw.h"
#include "image_transforms/integral_image.h"
// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#include "integral_image_abstract.h"
#include "../algs.h"
#include "../assert.h"
#include "../geometry.h"
#include "../array2d.h"
#include "../matrix.h"
#include "../pixel.h"
#include "../noncopyable.h"
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class integral_image;
inline const rectangle get_rect (
const integral_image& img
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class integral_image : noncopyable
typedef long value_type;
const long nr() const { return; }
const long nc() const { return; }
template <typename image_type>
void load (
const image_type& img
unsigned long pixel;
// compute the first row of the integral image
unsigned long temp = 0;
for (unsigned long c = 0; c <; ++c)
assign_pixel(pixel, img[0][c]);
temp += pixel;
int_img[0][c] = temp;
// now compute the rest of the integral image
for (unsigned long r = 1; r <; ++r)
temp = 0;
for (unsigned long c = 0; c <; ++c)
assign_pixel(pixel, img[r][c]);
temp += pixel;
int_img[r][c] = temp + int_img[r-1][c];
long get_sum_of_area (
const rectangle& rect
) const
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(*this).contains(rect) == true,
"\tlong get_sum_of_area(rect)"
<< "\n\tYou have given a rectangle that goes outside the image"
<< "\n\tthis: " << this
<< "\n\trect: " << rect
<< "\n\tget_rect(*this): " << get_rect(*this)
unsigned long top_left = 0, top_right = 0, bottom_left = 0, bottom_right = 0;
bottom_right = int_img[rect.bottom()][rect.right()];
if (rect.left()-1 >= 0 && >= 0)
top_left = int_img[][rect.left()-1];
bottom_left = int_img[rect.bottom()][rect.left()-1];
top_right = int_img[][rect.right()];
else if (rect.left()-1 >= 0)
bottom_left = int_img[rect.bottom()][rect.left()-1];
else if ( >= 0)
top_right = int_img[][rect.right()];
return bottom_right - bottom_left - top_right + top_left;
array2d<unsigned long>::kernel_1a int_img;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const rectangle get_rect (
const integral_image& img
return rectangle(0, 0,,;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type>
typename integral_image_type::value_type haar_x (
const integral_image_type& img,
const point& p,
long width
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(p,width,width)) == true,
"\tlong haar_x(img,p,width)"
<< "\n\tYou have given a point and with that goes outside the image"
<< "\n\tget_rect(img): " << get_rect(img)
<< "\n\tp: " << p
<< "\n\twidth: " << width
rectangle left_rect;
left_rect.set_left ( p.x() - width / 2 );
left_rect.set_top ( p.y() - width / 2 );
left_rect.set_right ( p.x()-1 );
left_rect.set_bottom ( + width - 1 );
rectangle right_rect;
right_rect.set_left ( p.x() );
right_rect.set_top ( );
right_rect.set_right ( left_rect.left() + width -1 );
right_rect.set_bottom ( left_rect.bottom() );
return img.get_sum_of_area(right_rect) - img.get_sum_of_area(left_rect);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type>
typename integral_image_type::value_type haar_y (
const integral_image_type& img,
const point& p,
long width
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(p,width,width)) == true,
"\tlong haar_y(img,p,width)"
<< "\n\tYou have given a point and with that goes outside the image"
<< "\n\tget_rect(img): " << get_rect(img)
<< "\n\tp: " << p
<< "\n\twidth: " << width
rectangle top_rect;
top_rect.set_left ( p.x() - width / 2 );
top_rect.set_top ( p.y() - width / 2 );
top_rect.set_right ( top_rect.left() + width - 1 );
top_rect.set_bottom ( p.y()-1 );
rectangle bottom_rect;
bottom_rect.set_left ( top_rect.left() );
bottom_rect.set_top ( p.y() );
bottom_rect.set_right ( top_rect.right() );
bottom_rect.set_bottom ( + width - 1 );
return img.get_sum_of_area(bottom_rect) - img.get_sum_of_area(top_rect);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#include "../geometry/rectangle_abstract.h"
#include "../array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h"
#include "../pixel.h"
#include "../noncopyable.h"
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class integral_image : noncopyable
- nr() == 0
- nc() == 0
This object is an alternate way of representing image data
that allows for very fast computations of sums of pixels in
rectangular regions. To use this object you load it with a
normal image and then you can use the get_sum_of_area()
function to compute sums of pixels in a given area in
constant time.
typedef long value_type;
const long nr(
) const;
- returns the number of rows in this integral image object
const long nc(
) const;
- returns the number of columns in this integral image object
template <typename image_type>
void load (
const image_type& img
- image_type == a type that implements the array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h interface
- pixel_traits<image_type::type> must be defined
- #nr() ==
- #nc() ==
- #*this will now contain an "integral image" representation of the
given input image.
value_type get_sum_of_area (
const rectangle& rect
) const;
- get_rect(*this).contains(rect) == true
(i.e. rect must not be outside the integral image)
- Let O denote the image this integral image was generated from.
Then this function returns sum(subm(array_to_matrix(O),rect)).
That is, this function returns the sum of the pixels in O that
are contained within the given rectangle.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const rectangle get_rect (
const integral_image& img
- returns rectangle(0, 0,,
(i.e. returns a rectangle that has the same dimensions as
the integral_image img)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type>
typename integral_image_type::value_type haar_x (
const integral_image_type& img,
const point& p,
long width
- get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(p,width,width)) == true
- integral_image_type == a type that implements the integral_image interface
defined above
- returns the response of a Haar wavelet centered at the point p
with the given width. The wavelet is oriented along the X axis
and has the following shape:
That is, the wavelet is square and computes the sum of pixels on the
right minus the sum of pixels on the left.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename integral_image_type>
typename integral_image_type::value_type haar_y (
const integral_image_type& img,
const point& p,
long width
- get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(p,width,width)) == true
- integral_image_type == a type that implements the integral_image interface
defined above
- returns the response of a Haar wavelet centered at the point p
with the given width in the given image. The wavelet is oriented
along the Y axis and has the following shape:
That is, the wavelet is square and computes the sum of pixels on the
bottom minus the sum of pixels on the top.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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