Commit a09a8f6a authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added more python doc strings

parent 9df06775
......@@ -145,7 +145,9 @@ void resize(T& v, unsigned long n) { v.resize(n); }
void bind_basic_types()
class_<std::vector<double> >("array", init<>())
class_<std::vector<double> >("array", "This object represents a 1D array of floating point numbers. "
"Moreover, it binds directly to the C++ type std::vector<double>.", init<>()
.def(vector_indexing_suite<std::vector<double> >())
.def("__init__", make_constructor(&array_from_object))
.def("__str__", array__str__)
......@@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ void bind_matrix()
.def("__setitem__", &mat_row__setitem__)
.def("__getitem__", &mat_row__getitem__);
class_<matrix<double> >("matrix", init<>())
class_<matrix<double> >("matrix", "This object represents a dense 2D matrix of floating point numbers."
"Moreover, it binds directly to the C++ type dlib::matrix<double>.", init<>())
.def("__init__", make_constructor(&make_matrix_from_size))
.def("set_size", &matrix_set_size, (arg("rows"), arg("cols")), "Set the size of the matrix to the given number of rows and columns.")
.def("__init__", make_constructor(&from_object))
......@@ -796,13 +796,15 @@ train_sequence_segmenter() and cross_validate_sequence_segmenter() routines. "
class_<segmenter_type> ("segmenter_type")
class_<segmenter_type> ("segmenter_type", "This object represents a sequence segmenter and is the type of object "
"returned by the dlib.train_sequence_segmenter() routine.")
.def("__call__", &segmenter_type::segment_sequence_dense)
.def("__call__", &segmenter_type::segment_sequence_sparse)
.def_readonly("weights", &segmenter_type::get_weights)
class_<segmenter_test> ("segmenter_test")
class_<segmenter_test> ("segmenter_test", "This object is the output of the dlib.test_sequence_segmenter() and "
"dlib.cross_validate_sequence_segmenter() routines.")
.def_readwrite("precision", &segmenter_test::precision)
.def_readwrite("recall", &segmenter_test::recall)
.def_readwrite("f1", &segmenter_test::f1)
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