Commit a3515c8b authored by Fm's avatar Fm

Fixed layer constructors to support VS2015

parent 11cef7b1
......@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ elseif (MSVC OR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") # else if using Visu
message(STATUS "Enabling SSE2 instructions")
# DNN module produces long type names for NN definitions - disable this warning for MSVC
......@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ namespace dlib
static_assert(sample_expansion_factor >= 1,
"The input layer can't produce fewer output tensors than there are inputs.");
add_tag_layer() = default;
add_tag_layer() {};
add_tag_layer(const add_tag_layer&) = default;
add_tag_layer(add_tag_layer&&) = default;
add_tag_layer& operator=(add_tag_layer&&) = default;
......@@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ namespace dlib
static_assert(sample_expansion_factor >= 1,
"The input layer can't produce fewer output tensors than there are inputs.");
add_skip_layer() = default;
add_skip_layer() {};
add_skip_layer(const add_skip_layer&) = default;
add_skip_layer(add_skip_layer&&) = default;
add_skip_layer& operator=(add_skip_layer&&) = default;
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