Commit a389bf23 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made cmake print a more informative error message when your compiler doesn't

appear to support cuda.
parent f4853053
......@@ -584,9 +584,15 @@ if (NOT TARGET dlib)
try_compile(cuda_test_compile_worked ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/cuda_test_build
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_utils/test_for_cuda cuda_test
OUTPUT_VARIABLE try_compile_output_message
if (NOT cuda_test_compile_worked)
message(STATUS "*** CUDA was found but your compiler failed to compile a simple CUDA program so dlib isn't going to use CUDA. ***")
string(REPLACE "\n" "\n *** " try_compile_output_message "${try_compile_output_message}")
message(STATUS "*****************************************************************************************************************")
message(STATUS "*** CUDA was found but your compiler failed to compile a simple CUDA program so dlib isn't going to use CUDA. ")
message(STATUS "*** The output of the failed CUDA test compile is shown below: ")
message(STATUS "*** ${try_compile_output_message}")
message(STATUS "*****************************************************************************************************************")
message(STATUS "Checking if you have the right version of cuDNN installed.")
try_compile(cudnn_test_compile_worked ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/cudnn_test_build
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