Commit a5082f7a authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made the track association testing functions smarter about how they evaluate

the quality of a track association function.
parent ea60f622
......@@ -29,16 +29,25 @@ namespace dlib
typedef typename detection_type::track_type track_type;
using namespace impl;
dlib::rand rnd;
std::vector<track_type> tracks;
std::map<label_type,unsigned long> track_idx; // tracks[track_idx[id]] == track with ID id.
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples.size(); ++j)
total_dets += samples[j].size();
std::vector<long> assignments = f(get_unlabeled_dets(samples[j]), tracks);
std::vector<labeled_detection<detection_type,label_type> > dets = samples[j];
// Shuffle the order of the detections so we can be sure that there isn't
// anything funny going on like the detections always coming in the same
// order relative to their labels and the association function just gets
// lucky by picking the same assignment ordering every time. So this way
// we know the assignment function really is doing something rather than
// just being lucky.
randomize_samples(dets, rnd);
total_dets += dets.size();
std::vector<long> assignments = f(get_unlabeled_dets(dets), tracks);
std::vector<bool> updated_track(tracks.size(), false);
// now update all the tracks with the detections that associated to them.
const std::vector<labeled_detection<detection_type,label_type> >& dets = samples[j];
for (unsigned long k = 0; k < assignments.size(); ++k)
// If the detection is associated to tracks[assignments[k]]
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