@@ -769,22 +773,30 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
"The output is saved to an XML file prefixed with rotated_<arg>.",1);
parser.add_option("cluster","Cluster all the objects in an XML file into <arg> different clusters and save "
"the results as cluster_###.xml and cluster_###.jpg files.",1);
parser.add_option("resample","Crop out images that are centered on each object in the dataset. Make the "
"crops so that the objects have <arg> pixels in them. The output is a new XML dataset.",1);
parser.add_option("ignore","Mark boxes labeled as <arg> as ignored. The resulting XML file is output as a separate file and the original is not modified.",1);
parser.set_group_name("Cropping sub images");
parser.add_option("resample","Crop out images that are centered on each object in the dataset. "
"The output is a new XML dataset.");
parser.add_option("cropped-object-size","When doing --resample, make the cropped objects contain about <arg> pixels (default 10000).",1);
parser.add_option("min-object-size","When doing --resample, skip objects that have fewer than <arg> pixels in them (default 1).",1);
parser.add_option("crop-size","When doing --resample, the entire cropped image will be <arg> times wider than the object (default 2.5).",1);
parser.add_option("extract-chips","Crops out images with tight bounding boxes around each object. Also crops out "
"many background chips. All these image chips are serialized into one big data file. The chips will contain <arg> pixels each.",1);
parser.add_option("ignore","Mark boxes labeled as <arg> as ignored. The resulting XML file is output as a separate file and the original is not modified.",1);