Commit b566d9a4 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made tests more robust

parent 10bd680f
......@@ -1111,8 +1111,10 @@ namespace
rs.add(test_bound_solver_brown(rnd, search_strategy));
dlog << LINFO << "mean brown gradient: " << rs.mean();
dlog << LINFO << "max brown gradient: " << rs.max();
DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() < 1e-6);
DLIB_TEST(rs.max() < 1e-4);
dlog << LINFO << "min brown gradient: " << rs.min();
DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() < 1e-5);
DLIB_TEST(rs.max() < 1e-2);
DLIB_TEST(rs.min() < 1e-10);
dlog << LINFO << "test find_max_box_constrained() on neg_rosen";
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