Commit b95b2e14 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added a version of setup_hashed_features() for scan_image_boxes objects.

parent cd83f1cb
......@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ namespace dlib
): error(a) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// stuff for scan_image_pyramid
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
......@@ -95,6 +99,79 @@ namespace dlib
setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, fe, bits, num_samples);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// stuff for scan_image_boxes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename image_array,
typename feature_extractor
void setup_hashed_features (
scan_image_boxes<hashed_feature_image<feature_extractor, projection_hash> >& scanner,
const image_array& images,
const feature_extractor& fe,
int bits,
unsigned long num_samples = 200000
// make sure requires clause is not broken
DLIB_ASSERT(0 < bits && bits <= 32 &&
num_samples > 1 &&
images.size() > 0,
"\t void setup_hashed_features()"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function. "
<< "\n\t bits: " << bits
<< "\n\t num_samples: " << num_samples
<< "\n\t images.size(): " << images.size()
pyramid_disable pyr;
const random_subset_selector<typename feature_extractor::descriptor_type>& samps =
randomly_sample_image_features(images, pyr, fe, num_samples);
if (samps.size() <= 1)
throw dlib::image_hash_construction_failure("Images too small, not able to gather enough samples to make hash");
projection_hash phash = create_random_projection_hash(samps, bits);
hashed_feature_image<feature_extractor, projection_hash> hfe;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename image_array,
typename feature_extractor
void setup_hashed_features (
scan_image_boxes<hashed_feature_image<feature_extractor, projection_hash> >& scanner,
const image_array& images,
int bits,
unsigned long num_samples = 200000
// make sure requires clause is not broken
DLIB_ASSERT(0 < bits && bits <= 32 &&
num_samples > 1 &&
images.size() > 0,
"\t void setup_hashed_features()"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function. "
<< "\n\t bits: " << bits
<< "\n\t num_samples: " << num_samples
<< "\n\t images.size(): " << images.size()
feature_extractor fe;
setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, fe, bits, num_samples);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -85,6 +85,71 @@ namespace dlib
feature vectors.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename image_array,
typename feature_extractor
void setup_hashed_features (
scan_image_boxes<hashed_feature_image<feature_extractor, projection_hash> >& scanner,
const image_array& images,
const feature_extractor& fe,
int bits,
unsigned long num_samples = 200000
- 0 < bits <= 32
- num_samples > 1
- images.size() > 0
- it must be valid to pass images[0] into scanner.load().
(also, image_array must be an implementation of dlib/array/array_kernel_abstract.h)
- Creates a projection_hash suitable for hashing the feature vectors produced by
fe and then configures scanner to use this hash function.
- The hash function will map vectors into integers in the range [0, pow(2,bits))
- The hash function will be setup so that it hashes a random sample of num_samples
vectors from fe such that each bin ends up with roughly the same number of
elements in it.
- image_hash_construction_failure
This exception is thrown if there is a problem creating the projection_hash.
This should only happen the images are so small they contain less than 2
feature vectors.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename image_array,
typename feature_extractor
void setup_hashed_features (
scan_image_boxes<hashed_feature_image<feature_extractor, projection_hash> >& scanner,
const image_array& images,
int bits,
unsigned long num_samples = 200000
- 0 < bits <= 32
- num_samples > 1
- images.size() > 0
- it must be valid to pass images[0] into scanner.load().
(also, image_array must be an implementation of dlib/array/array_kernel_abstract.h)
- performs: setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, feature_extractor(), bits, num_samples)
- image_hash_construction_failure
This exception is thrown if there is a problem creating the projection_hash.
This should only happen the images are so small they contain less than 2
feature vectors.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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