Commit bd9df209 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

updated release notes

parent 99843bda
......@@ -12,14 +12,58 @@
New Features:
- Added extract_image_chips()
- Added get_frontal_face_detector()
- Added scan_fhog_pyramid.
- Added a nuclear norm regularization option to the structural svm solver.
- spatial filtering routines now support even sized filters
- SIMD use
- fhog
- Increased the speed of resize_image() and the image pyramid functions by
making them use SIMD instructions. Also changed the default interpolation
method for pyramid_up to bilinear interpolation and removed the levels
- Made spatially_filter_image_separable() use SIMD instructions when filtering float data.
- Made spatially_filter_image() use SIMD instructions when filtering float data.
- Added inv() that invert point transformation functions.
- Added sign() for matrix objects.
- Made the svm_multiclass_linear_trainer threaded. This also means you have
to #include dlib/svm_threaded.h instead of dlib/svm.h to get it now
- Added the option to learn non-negative weights to the svm_multiclass_linear_trainer.
- Made the one_vs_one_trainer and one_vs_all_trainer objects multithreaded
so they can run each binary trainer on a different core.
- Added an ignore option to the image dataset metadata file format. This includes the option
to tell the structural_object_detection_trainer that there are ignore/don't care objects.
- Added flip_image_dataset_left_right(), upsample_image_dataset(), and rotate_image_dataset().
- libpng and libjpeg are now included in the dlib/external folder to enable easy static linking
to these libraries on platforms that don't have them.
Non-Backwards Compatible Changes:
- The spatial image filtering functions have the following changes:
- They no longer zero the image borders if you set the add_to parameter
to true.
- The spatially_filter_image_separable_down() routine now only allows
grayscale output images
- Changed the default parameters of the test_box_overlap object. Now it
defaults to using exactly the PASCAL VOC match criterion.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a compile time bug that could occur when wide character strings were serialized.
- Added more () to avoid a compiler error in gcc 4.7.1 on SUSE Linux. Thanks
to Volker Härtel for finding this
- Some minor changes to avoid compiler errors in cygwin.
- A minor change to avoid compiler errors when serializing mlp objects.
- Fixed a bug in the bigint object that caused division to sometimes produce incorrect results.
- Fixed many compiler warnings in gcc 4.8
- Updated find_max_factor_graph_nmplp() to use the version of the algorithm
from the 2011 paper Introduction to dual decomposition for inference by
David Sontag, Amir Globerson, and Tommi Jaakkola since the original 2008
paper had an error in the algorithm that negatively effected its
convergence. Thanks to James Gunning for pointing this out.
- Made many of the mat() converters bind the resulting matrix expressions into the BLAS bindings.
Non-Backwards Compatible Changes:
- The spatial filtering functions no longer zero the borders if you set the add_to
parameter to true.
Bug fixes:
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