Commit c29314f3 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Clarified build instructions

parent 1e877b19
......@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ if (NOT Boost_FOUND)
message(STATUS " When it completes, set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR equal to wherever b2 put the compiled libraries.")
message(STATUS " Note that you will need to set the address-model based on if you want a 32 or 64bit python library.")
message(STATUS "")
message(STATUS " Next, when you invoke cmake to compile dlib you may have to use cmake's -G option to set the ")
message(STATUS " 64 vs. 32bit mode of visual studio. Also, if you want a Python3 library you will need to ")
message(STATUS " add -DPYTHON3=1. You do this with a statement like: ")
message(STATUS " Next, if you aren't using python then you will be invoking cmake to compile dlib. ")
message(STATUS " In this case you may have to use cmake's -G option to set the 64 vs. 32bit mode of visual studio. ")
message(STATUS " Also, if you want a Python3 library you will need to add -DPYTHON3=1. You do this with a statement like: ")
message(STATUS " cmake -G \"Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64\" -DPYTHON3=1 ..\\..\\tools\\python")
message(STATUS " Rather than:")
message(STATUS " cmake ..\\..\\tools\\python")
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