Commit c49f7d99 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added another quadratic program solver.

parent 555d0b14
......@@ -211,6 +211,176 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename EXP1,
typename EXP2,
typename EXP3,
typename T, long NR, long NC, typename MM, typename L
unsigned long solve_qp4_using_smo (
const matrix_exp<EXP1>& A,
const matrix_exp<EXP2>& Q,
const matrix_exp<EXP3>& b,
matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L>& alpha,
T eps,
unsigned long max_iter
// make sure requires clause is not broken
DLIB_CASSERT( == alpha.size() && == &&
is_col_vector(b) &&
is_col_vector(alpha) &&
b.size() == alpha.size() &&
b.size() == &&
alpha.size() > 0 &&
min(alpha) >= 0 &&
eps > 0 &&
max_iter > 0,
"\t void solve_qp4_using_smo()"
<< "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function"
<< "\n\t " <<
<< "\n\t " <<
<< "\n\t " <<
<< "\n\t is_col_vector(b): " << is_col_vector(b)
<< "\n\t is_col_vector(alpha): " << is_col_vector(alpha)
<< "\n\t b.size(): " << b.size()
<< "\n\t alpha.size(): " << alpha.size()
<< "\n\t " <<
<< "\n\t min(alpha): " << min(alpha)
<< "\n\t eps: " << eps
<< "\n\t max_iter: " << max_iter
const T C = sum(alpha);
For this optimization problem, it is the case that the optimal
value of lambda is given by a simple closed form expression if we
know the optimal alpha. So what we will do is to just optimize
alpha and every now and then we will update lambda with its optimal
value. Therefore, we use essentially the same method as the
solve_qp_using_smo() routine.
// compute optimal lambda for current alpha
matrix<T,NR,1,MM,L> lambda = A*alpha;
lambda = lowerbound(lambda, 0);
// Compute f'(alpha) (i.e. the gradient of f(alpha) with respect to alpha) for the current alpha.
matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L> df = Q*alpha - b - trans(A)*lambda;
const T tau = 1000*std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
T big, little;
unsigned long iter = 0;
for (; iter < max_iter; ++iter)
// Find the two elements of df that satisfy the following:
// - little_idx == index_of_min(df)
// - big_idx == the index of the largest element in df such that alpha(big_idx) > 0
// These two indices will tell us which two alpha values are most in violation of the KKT
// optimality conditions.
big = -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
long big_idx = 0;
little = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
long little_idx = 0;
for (long i = 0; i <; ++i)
if (df(i) > big && alpha(i) > 0)
big = df(i);
big_idx = i;
if (df(i) < little)
little = df(i);
little_idx = i;
// Check how big the duality gap is and stop when it goes below eps.
// The duality gap is the gap between the objective value of the function
// we are optimizing and the value of its primal form. This value is always
// greater than or equal to the distance to the optimum solution so it is a
// good way to decide if we should stop.
if (trans(alpha)*df - C*little < eps)
// compute optimal lambda and recheck the duality gap to make
// sure we have really converged.
lambda = A*alpha;
lambda = lowerbound(lambda, 0);
df = Q*alpha - b - trans(A)*lambda;
if (trans(alpha)*df - C*min(df) < eps)
// Save these values, we will need them later.
const T old_alpha_big = alpha(big_idx);
const T old_alpha_little = alpha(little_idx);
// Now optimize the two variables we just picked.
T quad_coef = Q(big_idx,big_idx) + Q(little_idx,little_idx) - 2*Q(big_idx, little_idx);
if (quad_coef <= tau)
quad_coef = tau;
const T delta = (big - little)/quad_coef;
alpha(big_idx) -= delta;
alpha(little_idx) += delta;
// Make sure alpha stays feasible. That is, make sure the updated alpha doesn't
// violate the non-negativity constraint.
if (alpha(big_idx) < 0)
// Since an alpha can't be negative we will just set it to 0 and shift all the
// weight to the other alpha.
alpha(big_idx) = 0;
alpha(little_idx) = old_alpha_big + old_alpha_little;
// Every 300 iterations
if ((iter%300) == 299)
// compute the optimal lambda for the current alpha
lambda = A*alpha;
lambda = lowerbound(lambda, 0);
// Perform this form of the update every so often because doing so can help
// avoid the buildup of numerical errors you get with the alternate update
// below.
df = Q*alpha - b - trans(A)*lambda;
// Now update the gradient. We will perform the equivalent of: df = Q*alpha - b;
const T delta_alpha_big = alpha(big_idx) - old_alpha_big;
const T delta_alpha_little = alpha(little_idx) - old_alpha_little;
for(long k = 0; k <; ++k)
df(k) += Q(big_idx,k)*delta_alpha_big + Q(little_idx,k)*delta_alpha_little;;
using namespace std;
cout << "SMO: " << endl;
cout << " duality gap: "<< trans(alpha)*df - C*min(df) << endl;
cout << " KKT gap: "<< big-little << endl;
cout << " iter: "<< iter+1 << endl;
cout << " eps: "<< eps << endl;
return iter+1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -52,6 +52,57 @@ namespace dlib
converge to eps accuracy then the number returned will be max_iter+1.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename EXP1,
typename EXP2,
typename EXP3,
typename T, long NR, long NC, typename MM, typename L
unsigned long solve_qp4_using_smo (
const matrix_exp<EXP1>& A,
const matrix_exp<EXP2>& Q,
const matrix_exp<EXP3>& b,
matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L>& alpha,
T eps,
unsigned long max_iter
- == alpha.size()
- ==
- is_col_vector(b) == true
- is_col_vector(alpha) == true
- b.size() == alpha.size() ==
- alpha.size() > 0
- min(alpha) >= 0
- eps > 0
- max_iter > 0
- Let C == sum(alpha) (i.e. C is the sum of the alpha values you
supply to this function)
- This function solves the following quadratic program:
Minimize: f(alpha,lambda) == 0.5*trans(alpha)*Q*alpha - trans(alpha)*b +
0.5*trans(lambda)*lambda - trans(lambda)*A*alpha
subject to the following constraints:
- sum(alpha) == C (i.e. the sum of alpha values doesn't change)
- min(alpha) >= 0 (i.e. all alpha values are nonnegative)
- min(lambda) >= 0 (i.e. all lambda values are nonnegative)
Where f is convex. This means that Q should be positive-semidefinite.
- The solution to the above QP will be stored in #alpha. The optimal
lambda is not output since its value is given by the following expression:
- This function uses a simple implementation of the sequential minimal
optimization algorithm. It starts the algorithm with the given alpha
and it works on the problem until the duality gap (i.e. how far away
we are from the optimum solution) is less than eps. So eps controls
how accurate the solution is and smaller values result in better solutions.
- At most max_iter iterations of optimization will be performed.
- returns the number of iterations performed. If this method fails to
converge to eps accuracy then the number returned will be max_iter+1.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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