Commit c9faacce authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Fixed typos

parent cf0b3b94
......@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ target_link_libraries(assignment_learning_ex dlib::dlib)
# cmake --build . --config Release
# The cmake .. command looks in the parent folder for a file named
# CMakeLists.txt, reads it, sets up everything needed to build program. Also,
# note that CMake can generate Visual Studio or XCode project files. So if
# instead you had written:
# mkdir build
# CMakeLists.txt, reads it, and sets up everything needed to build program.
# Also, note that CMake can generate Visual Studio or XCode project files. So
# if instead you had written:
# cd build
# cmake .. -G Xcode
# You would be able to open the resulting Xcode project and compile and edit
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