Commit ca11d108 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added multi-gpu support to the dnn_trainer

parent b9fd9564
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -48,12 +48,17 @@ namespace dlib
dnn_trainer() = delete;
dnn_trainer(const dnn_trainer&) = delete;
dnn_trainer& operator=(const dnn_trainer&) = delete;
net_type& net,
const solver_type& solver = solver_type()
const solver_type& solver = solver_type(),
const std::vector<int>& cuda_extra_devices = {}
- for all valid i:
- 0 <= cuda_extra_devices[i] < dlib::cuda::get_num_devices()
- &#get_net() == &net
(i.e. The dnn_trainer holds a reference to net, it does not copy it.
......@@ -67,6 +72,13 @@ namespace dlib
- #get_min_step_size() == 1e-3
- #get_iterations_without_progress_threshold() == 2000
- #get_step_size_shrink() == 0.1
- if (cuda_extra_devices.size() > 0) then
- This object will use multiple graphics cards to run the learning
algorithms. In particular, it will always use whatever device is
currently selected on the calling thread (the device indicated by
cudaGetDevice()). In addition, you can ask to use additional
devices, which you do by putting their device numbers into
net_type& get_net (
......@@ -82,15 +94,6 @@ namespace dlib
stopped touching the net.
void set_solver (
const solver_type& solver
- assigns solver to all the solvers in this object. I.e. solver will be
assigned to each element in get_solvers().
const std::vector<solver_type>& get_solvers (
) const;
......@@ -101,22 +104,6 @@ namespace dlib
get_solvers()[1], and so on.
std::vector<solver_type>& get_solvers (
- returns the solvers used to optimize each layer of the neural network
get_net(). In particular, the first layer's solver is
get_solvers()[0], the second layer's solver is
get_solvers()[1], and so on.
- It should be noted that you should never change the number of elements in
the vector returned by get_solvers() (i.e. don't do something that changes
get_solvers().size()). It will be set to net_type::num_computational_layers
by this object and you should leave it at that. The non-const version of
get_solvers() is provided only so you can tweak the parameters of a
particular solver.
unsigned long get_mini_batch_size (
) const;
......@@ -289,6 +276,7 @@ namespace dlib
- data.size() == labels.size()
- data.size() > 0
- net_type uses a supervised loss.
i.e. net_type::label_type != no_label_type.
......@@ -314,6 +302,7 @@ namespace dlib
- data.size() > 0
- net_type uses an unsupervised loss.
i.e. net_type::label_type == no_label_type.
......@@ -341,6 +330,7 @@ namespace dlib
- data.size() == labels.size()
- data.size() > 0
- net_type uses a supervised loss.
i.e. net_type::label_type != no_label_type.
......@@ -363,6 +353,7 @@ namespace dlib
- data.size() > 0
- net_type uses an unsupervised loss.
i.e. net_type::label_type == no_label_type.
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